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customers want, what they don’t like, and        AUTOMATE & OUTSOURCE                         you work with them where they can hand
         what you could do better. Hopefully you                  WHAT YOU CAN                         out offers for your business and you can
         can take criticism well, and you should. But                                                  do the same thing for them? One thing
         ultimately, it’s our customers who pay the     Don’t try to do everything in the business.    that we’re starting to do a lot of is send
         bills, and you should find out from them       The accounting, ordering, scheduling           out email blasts for other companies, and
         what it is that they like, dislike, or what they   – there’s a lot of little tedious things.   they’re doing the same thing for us. So
         would like to see you do to improve the        Accounting isn’t tedious, but if that’s        it’s kind of like a joint venture partnership
         business, or just new things that you could    very time-consuming, hand that stuff off       where you’re just giving each other more
         bring to the table. Because again, giving      to an accountant. Ordering – have your         exposure for free, and you’re saving a lot
         the customers what they want is what it’s      manager do your ordering. I don’t do any       on marketing dollars. Also find sponsors for
         all about. It’s not what we want. And there    ordering. I don’t do any scheduling. All that   certain events that you’re doing. If you’re
         are things that you can ask about: obviously   stuff can be done by managers to take          doing this big event and you’re running
         promotions, specials, and how’s the            over. Your social media postings, putting      it online for several weeks and you’re
         service? That’s a very important one. The      stuff on Facebook and Twitter – all that       running Facebook ads or Pay per Click ads
         atmosphere – is there anything we could        stuff can be done by managers. You don’t       or whatever you’re doing, if you put that
         do to change the atmosphere? Is the music      have to do that kind of stuff. You need to     sponsor on there and you give them a ton
         too loud? Are we playing the wrong music?      focus on growing the business, working         of exposure, and if you’re capturing leads
         And then also ask about competition. One       on the business, and not working so much       online – say you’re taking people to a lead
         question I really like to ask is why do you    in the business. And that is ultimately,       capture page to sign up for this promotion
         choose one bar or restaurant over the          definitely going to make you a better bar or   to win something or whatever, you could
         other? And what you will see when you          restaurant owner.                              have emails from that company go out
         ask this, and I highly suggest you                                                                    three, four, five, six, seven days later
         do this – even just send it out in an                                                                 with their offer to people who’ve
         email if you need to or ask the next          “Everyone here has the sense                            signed up. So there are a lot of
         50 customers that you see – but               that right now is one of                                different partnership opportunities
         what makes you choose one bar or                                                                      that you could do there, and then
         restaurant over the other? And you            those moments when we are                               they pay you $500 bucks, or maybe
         will see that it’s atmosphere, service,       influencing the future.”                                they pay you $250 bucks, whatever
         and cleanliness. It’s not about price.                                                                it is. But if you can get a couple of
         Five or 10 percent of people might                                               Steve Jobs           sponsors to do that, you can get
         say price, but most people would                                                                      $250 or $500 here and there, $500
         rather pay an extra 50 cents, a                                                                       or $750 bucks. That can cover the
         dollar, or two dollars more for a meal or a          ACCEPT CHALLENGES                        costs of, for example, let’s say we’re giving
         drink if they’re going to go somewhere, feel                                                  away a 60-inch TV or something like that.
         comfortable, and get good service.             What you learn, put that into action,          So you can get a lot of costs covered by
                                                        because there are always going to be           forming partnerships for your promotions,
                        EXERCISE                        challenges. There are always going to          in exchange for extra exposure for their
                                                        be bumps in the road. I hit them all the       business.
         Exercise is important because you’re going     time, in the bar business and even in
         to feel more energetic, and you’re also going   the marketing business. But when you           TRY NEW APPROACHES AND
         to get more done. I used to go to the gym      can accept challenges, you learn from                   NEW STRATEGIES
         around five o’clock, and I would try to do all   mistakes, and you learn from things that
         my work during the day, but recently I started   you do. And ultimately, you learn how to     This is really important, and marketing
         going to a trainer. And I’ve been going at     do things differently and become better at     would be by far the number one thing in
         nine o’clock in the morning, and I have seen   those things. So accepting challenges and      which to try new approaches and new
         a huge, huge difference in my productivity     accepting your fears is ultimately going to    strategies. Marketing is really one thing
         from doing that early in the morning. I’m also   make you a better bar or restaurant owner    that can lead to major breakthroughs in
         going to bed earlier at night, so I’m getting up   as well.                                   your business. It was one of the things that
         at about five in the morning. I get some work                                                 was a major breakthrough for me when I
         done, I go to the gym, and I come back. And I    FORM NEW PARTNERSHIPS                        was a struggling bar and restaurant owner.
         just feel a lot more energetic, especially after                                              I didn’t know anything about marketing,
         that hot shower, and I’ve noticed I get more   This is very important. Tanning salons,        and I reached out for help. I went to
         done. So if you exercise and get that going,   doctors’ offices, grocery stores, cleaners –   experts, and that’s what helped me double
         that will also help you become a better bar or   who around you is also selling their service   my business. And it was all from trying new
         restaurant owner.                              or product to others in your area? How can     approaches and new strategies. But it’s

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