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door because you fulfill a need in the community. You have a
responsibility to your employees. That’s how they’re gainfully
employed and provide for their families. If you don’t stay in business,
they don’t have a job. But where we screw it up as independents all
the time is we forget that we have a responsibility to ourselves and
our families, and in fact, we come first. It’s OK to make money. It’s
OK to ask people to do things your way. It’s OK to let them make
the decision to move on to another restaurant if they’re not willing
to help you take your business to the next level.
So here’s the deal. You have to change your company culture so that
it’s OK to make money. You need to understand that you may not
be a born leader, and it takes leadership to run profitably. And what
systems do is help you communicate. If you’re somebody who just
looks at numbers, it helps you communicate what you want done. If
you’re somebody who just loves taking care of the guests and don’t
pay attention to the numbers, the systems help you pay attention
to your numbers. The bottom line is the systems help you become a
leader, and that’s how you’re going to be successful.
Awesome. Good words of wisdom, David. I appreciate the interview,
and one last thing. Where can anybody who is reading this go to get
more information about you, your services, and how you can take
their restaurant or bar to the next level?
old days, for a full service restaurant, the industry standard was 65
percent. That means that for every dollar that comes in, I’m going to David:
spend 65 cents on people and product just to deliver that product. Sure. You can do one of two things. You can go online to our
Everything else left over is to cover all my other expenses and website, which is, and we have free
hopefully leave me money, and the average restaurant would make reports on there and newsletters. You can kind of just circle around.
a nickel to eight cents on every dollar. You don’t have to raise your hands too much if you don’t want to.
Or, if you want to learn more, you can call us toll free at 1-877-457-
Well, my job is to bring you down, if you do $850,000 dollars or 6278 at extension 1. That will take you to one of our specialists as
more in sales, to 55 percent or under. That means that if you’re a far as our solution coaches that can learn more about your business,
million dollar store and I can help you reduce yourself by 10 points, tell you what we do, and see if there’s a fit. I can tell you that we’re
assuming you’re operating profitably at the 65, I’m going to find you not right for everybody. I just like to think we are. So if in that 15
$100,000 in bottom line profitability on the same sales you’re doing minute phone call, you say this is not right, we let you go, because
right now. And what’s amazing is when you talk about those that are we understand that what we do is not right for everybody. But if it
more bar restaurants, I’ve got restaurants in New York City that do is, we can show you a demo of our software, tell you what comes
$6 million dollars a year that run a 32 percent prime cost. They mint with membership, and you can ultimately decide whether now is the
money, because they put the systems in place. So it really is: are you time for change for you, or not.
willing to make the change? Are you ready for the change, because
you put in a little bit of effort and you’re going to get real return? Nick:
Awesome. Thank you, David.
Awesome. What final words of wisdom would you like to pass on to
everybody who is reading this interview? INTERVIEW WITH: DAVID S. PETERS
David: Restaurant expert, speaker, coach
I’m going to tell you this. Running a profitable restaurant is your and trainer for independent
responsibility, because if you don’t run a profitable restaurant or restaurant owners
bar, you won’t be there for your guests. And they walk in your