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Originali posted on Foodable Network The 10 Commandments
August, 04, 2015.
Of Restaurant Branding
There are a lot of moving parts that comprise a great restaurant. Adding a new menu item? Does it fit with your brand? Hiring a new
Outstanding service and food are a part of that equation. One employee? Do they fit with your brand culture?
element that many owners overlook — or even worse, ignore — is
branding. It’s a critical success flaw that keeps restaurant consultants If you want better results, you need to ask better quality questions.
around the world steady with clients.
2. Make guests your
Let’s look at your restaurant components like the human body. As
the owner, you are the brain. You send signals to the rest of the priority.
body to keep it going. Your team is the heart of your restaurant.
Your heart might not be 100% and you can still survive (for a while).
Profitability is the blood, your restaurant needs it to flow to keep Your brand needs to be “others focused.” Too many restaurants
alive. You brand is like air. You cannot live very long without air. operate on what is easiest for the owners and employees, and not
on what is best for the guests. You might have the best food in the
Think of the following 10 Commandments of Restaurant Branding world and you might get business because of it, too. Your restaurant
as if Moses himself brought these down from the mountain carved will not be in the hearts of your guests until you make them your
in stone tablets. If you violate these sacred things then you risk the focus.
wrath of the restaurant gods and your customers!
1. Always protect the 3. Never devalue
your brand.
brand… always.
Remember the words of The Joker in The Dark Knight, “If you’re
This lesson I learned working for Wolfgang Puck. You always protect good at something, never do it for free!”
the brand. Every business decision you make about your restaurant
needs to always ask this question, “Does this enhance or detract When you get on the “discount train,” you are setting your
from my brand?” restaurant up for failure. Discounts attract those customers who are