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an electronic order guide or invoice, we can literally just take a
spreadsheet and upload it into our system. We’ll help you make
those products usable, which means now you can start down the
journey of recipe cards so that every time an invoice comes in,
they’re up to date. It means your next inventory is up to date. And
your inventory, we set up shelf to sheet, which means while it
takes a little bit to set up, some real work, after that – I’ve got four
million dollar restaurants to take an inventory in under an hour every
Sunday. We’re going to give you the ability to know your food costs
and your labor costs and your prime costs on a weekly basis to be
proactive. Ordering based on par levels, recipe cards with pictures
and mis en place, and everything goes in there, so that if you ever
lose your kitchen manager, the next person below can be trained
easily and it doesn’t leave your building.
Same with bar – it’s everything. So the fact of the matter is I can
tell you it’s a marathon, not a sprint. I wish I had a magic pill. I
suck; I create work. But quite honestly, if we only focus on top line
mentality driving sales and we don’t make money on it, who cares?
You’re going to work your ass off for nothing. So you need to have
a top line mentality. We’ve got to have people like you that help us
drive sales in our building, but our jobs are to not only – once we Obviously, your services are an investment, because if you want to
get past Restaurant 101 making sure we have happy guests, we’ve grow your business, it costs money. It takes money to make more
got to make every penny of profit on every dollar that comes in, money, right? So my question for you is this. For anybody who is
because you didn’t open up your bar or restaurant to run a charity. reading this and thinking this is what they need, but they don’t know
It’s an enterprise to make you and your family have a future, as well if they want to spend the money, what kind of return long-term – this
as all your employees. So they go hand in hand. isn’t going to happen in 30 days or 60 days, but over the course of a
year. How much money are you saving or how much extra money are
We can help you, literally guide you step by step on the process, you making these restaurant owners who are now starting to control
based on your needs and your budget, what starts first, but hold their food costs, their labor costs, and their liquor costs?
your hand through the process. All you’ve got to do is make sure
that you understand the process and hold your management team David:
accountable. We’ll do the work for you as far as making sure they You’re absolutely correct, it’s not for free. I’m in enterprise too. The
know what to do. investment is almost nothing, but the first thing that somebody has
to ask themselves is – we all remember the definition of insanity
Nick: from Albert Einstein: doing the
Awesome. Let me ask you this, same thing over and over again but
David. One thing that I do for bar expecting a different result. What I
and restaurant owners around the “Our goal is to get you at add to that is a question: how is it
country is I implement marketing least a 10 times return on working for you? So if you’re ready
systems into their business, And they investment, so I’m looking for a change, understanding that
go from $10,000 to $20,000 dollars there may be some work involved
up front for us to implement these to save you $3,000 a month, and then it becomes easy, are you
systems, but they see the results depending on your volumes.” ready to make the investment? For
of getting anywhere from $15,000 us, we’re only $347 dollars a month.
or $20,000 in sales from the email I’m going to save you - $10 bucks
campaigns and the promotions that we do for them as they’re going. a week. It’s ridiculous, a day in order to get your return. Well, I can
One of the big things that I’ve seen, and of course for myself, is almost guarantee you that with just the systems we talked about
whether you’re successful or not, you’re like, wow, $10,000 dollars, earlier, I can reduce your food costs and pay for myself within the
$15,000 dollars, that’s a lot of money. There are a lot of owners out first 30 to 60 days. From there, our goal is to get you at least a 10
there who want to make as much money as possible, but don’t want times return on investment, so I’m looking to save you $3,000 a
to invest the money into their business because of fear. What if this month, depending on your volumes.
doesn’t work? What happens if this just doesn’t work for me? Then, it’s
a waste. And when they think that and they have that mentality, they The greatest way to look at it is this. There’s a concept called Prime
never know the level of success that they’re really trying to get to. Costs, which is total costs of product, plus total labor costs. In the