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Do These 18 Things to Become

                            a Better Restaurant/Bar Owner

                     Today, we’re going to cover 18 Things to Become a Better Restaurant and Bar
                     Owner. There are always things that we can do to improve in ourselves. There

                     are things that we tend to forget about from being so busy working in our
                     business and even working on our business. So no matter how successful you

                     are, there are always things that we can do to be better as an owner, a manager
                     or operator, and to give a better experience to our customers. So let’s dive into

                     the 18 Things to Become a Better Restaurant and Bar Owner.

             MAKE PERSONAL TIME                        do to relax and get away from the             mail. But he always says if you’re the
                                                       chaos of owning a bar and owning a            smartest person in the room, you’re in
                 hear from so many clients, so         restaurant. Doing this is going to make       the wrong room. What he means by that
           I     many different people, that           you a better bar or restaurant owner.         is there is always something to learn,

                 they’re just working like dogs in                                                   and surround yourself with those people
         the business, 50 or 60 hours a week. And           BREAK AWAY FROM                          who know more than you, because it’s
         that can be very frustrating, tiresome,              NEGATIVE PEOPLE                        going to drive you more and give you
         and then that reflects on your employees.                                                   more motivation to be more successful.
         That also probably reflects on your           That’s pretty common. Obviously, you          And even if it’s not more successful,
         customers as well, and even family life. So   want to surround yourself with positivity.    maybe you’ll be happier with yourself
         it’s always good to make some personal        Be around positive people who are             and your life.
         time for your family. Get away from the       trying to better their lives. When you
         business. Even if you feel like you’re not    surround yourself with people like that,                  GET SLEEP
         making as much as you want and you            it motivates you and drives you to want
         need to save on payroll, it’s going to be     to be more successful, especially if these    This is a big one. Obviously, if you’re
         better for you to pay that money and          people are more successful than you.          drained all the time from working so
         get away and focus, and come back as a        The one thing that I’ve learned through       much, getting some sleep is obviously
         new person by spending time with your         a mentor of mine, Brian Kurtz, who used       going to give you a lot more energy to
         family. Go out boating, go out with the       to work with Agora – they do 3 to 5           work in your business and just make
         guys, go golfing, just anything you can       million dollars a year in sales from direct   you feel better about yourself.

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