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They got into the business because it          You must track your marketing and              tactics because it’s ALWAYS changing.
         sounded fun, easy, etc. Then, they are ones    measure what’s working and what isn’t.         With you owning a bar or a restaurant and
         at their bar drinking their product with their   Whatever is LOSING you money, you must       all the jobs you have to do your overlook, it
         friends. Not a good recipe for a successful    STOP. Or at the very least, test a new offer   doesn’t make sense for you to try to learn
         business.                                      to see if that works. But if you keep losing   10 different marketing strategies that are
                                                        at the same thing over and over, you’re in     changing on a monthly basis. Instead, hire
         You have to focus on the customers more        for a long frustrating life in this business.   that out to a manager or consultant and
         than anything else and give back to those                                                     focus on what you do best - providing a
         who give you the most business - loyalty       Once you know what works and what              great experience to your customers!
         programs are perfect ways to do this.          doesn’t, your stress levels drop dramatically
                                                        & your income soars.                              LESSON 8 – ADVERTISING
         You need to also focus on helping out                                                               ISN’T ABOUT LOOKS &
         charity organizations. What can you do for          LESSON 7 – KNOW THE                               WINNING AWARDS
         others to help them make more money?              DIFFERENCE IN TACTICS &
         What can you do for other businesses in          STRATEGY THEN FOCUS ON                       Lesson #9 is critical to all the other lessons
         your area to get more customers? Reach                       STRATEGY!                        here. So many owners focus on advertising
         out to some businesses you know and say,                                                      their specials. Slap on a logo, an image of
         “Hey what kind of offer or deal can I offer                                                   the special or promotion, let them know the
         my customers to do business with you? I’d      There’s a bunch of different ways you do       day and price, “like us on Facebook” logo.
         like to bring you some business and I’d love   the same strategy, which these different
         to give my loyal customers incentives for      ways are called tactics. Example, if you’re    This is BAD advertising because it’s what
         doing business with me.                                                                               everyone else does in your area. You
                                                                                                               don’t stand a chance to stand out in
                                                       “Do you get a better response
         That’s free marketing for this                                                                        the crowded marketplace, and there
         business owner and if he’s smart,             when you say spend $25 and                              is no incentive or urge to get your
         he’ll focus on Lesson #2 with his             get $5 back? Or do you get                              customer to do business with you.
                                                       better results when you say                             Advertising has one sole purpose

         What do you think this business               come in with a group of 4 and                           and that is to make a sale. And
         owner is going to think of you?               get 2 free appetizers?”                                 to make that sale, you must
         What do you think the charity                                                                         persuade them on why your offer
         organization is going to think of you                                                                 or promotion will BENEFIT them,
         for WANTING to help them? And what do          strategy is to try building up your wing       either with value or with experience.
         you think the community is going to think      night on Wednesdays, you can target men
         of you for helping this charity?               and only men with direct mail, Facebook,       Bottom line is if your marketing doesn’t
                                                        Twitter, etc.                                  persuade customers to do business with
          LESSON 6 – TEST & MEASURE                                                                    you, if you can’t convey reasons to why
                                                                                                       they should do business with you over the
         When you’re marketing your business,                                                          competition, your marketing dollars don’t
         figure out what offers work better than        However, as the business owner who             stand a chance.
         others and measure the results. Do you         wants GROWTH, it’s your job to study,
         get more people taking action when you         learn, and master STRATEGY. Not to only        If you have any of your own restaurant and
         do a percentage off on the entire tab? Or      master the tactics. Too many owners focus      bar marketing lessons you’d like to share,
         do you get a better response when you say      on the tactics within their business and       please click here and leave a message
         spend $25 and get $5 back? Or do you get       it’s what drives them insane and out of        under the article.
         better results when you say come in with a     business because they
         group of 4 and get 2 free appetizers?          lose focus on strategy.
                                                                                                           WRITTEN BY: NICK FOSBERG

         Test different marketing medias. Do            Example, it makes a                      
         you get more offers redeemed through           lot more sense to pay                              President Bar & Restaurant
         Facebook? Or do you get more through the       someone to stay up to                              Success
         newspaper?                                     date on social media

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