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                                  I’VE LEARNED FROM EXPERTS

                     For the last 6 years of being a marketing junkie, I’ve learned from a lot of

                     different experts. Through books, $2,000-$5,000 courses, seminars, &

                     $10,000 one on one coaching days.

                     From learning from all these different mentors and experts, going through

                     my own trial and error to figure out what works and what doesn’t within the

                     bar and restaurant business, I’ve completely changed my mindset on how to

                     be successful in this industry.

                               HERE’S 8 RESTAURANT MARKETING LESSONS I’VE LEARNED…

            LESSON 1 - MUST BRING                      doing the same things. Come up                new? Hell no. But you can maybe start

                      THE NEW                          with something totally new, different,        featuring other recipes of tacos. You
                                                       unique, and fun that will get people          can maybe start trying multiple salsas.
                 our most loyal customers get          to leave their favorite go-to place and
           Y     tired of the same old food            check you out.                                LESSON 2 – FOCUS ON THE

                 items, the same specials, and                                                           FIRST TIME SALE & DIE
         the same promotions. You must be able         No, it’s not easy to come up with new
         to change and bring new ideas to the          promotions all the time. Business, in         If you’ve been following me for a while,
         table. You don’t want to bore them or         general, is not easy. But if you put your     you know my go-to marketing strategy
         they’ll start looking elsewhere.              mind to it and ask the right questions        is capturing leads, capturing people’s
                                                       from staff and customers, it actually         information for offers and giveaways. I
         This is true for attracting new               becomes pretty easy.                          do this with what I call a “Lead Magnet.”
         customers as well. The more new
         things you have going on, the better          One thing I will point out, let’s say for     A lead magnet is a valuable offer that
         your chances are at attracting new            example you have a taco Tuesday going         gets someone to hand over their
         customers. Most bars and restaurants          and it’s packed and it’s always packed.       information in exchange for your
         in a given area are all pretty much           Do you change that to something               valuable offer. My lead magnets are

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