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NOT to make any money on the front
end. It’s about acquiring new customers
at a breakeven standpoint, getting them in
the door, giving them the best experience
I possibly can, and then banking on
their great experience and my follow-up
marketing to bring them back.
Some owners understand that loss leaders
or breakeven offers can get new customers
in the door, but what they lack is a
follow-up system that will turn those new
customers into a loyal customer who could
spend $3,000-$5,000 or more per year
with you. It’s critical that when you focus
on the front end to acquire new customers,
you have an automated system in place $5? $100? $500? I’d spend $1,000! more. Some which brought 300 or more
to build instant trust and credibility with people in the door over a 4-5 hour time
them. You can read about how I acquire So if you can outspend your competition in period, resulting in thousands in extra sales
and retain customers for my clients here. GREAT, targeted advertising, with the right and hundreds of new customers.
It’s 6 videos with transcripts. Might take new customer acquisition strategies, your
you an hour but it’s a game changer. speed of success and growth is FAST! Keep If you’ve had parties or events at your
in mind, you must have a plan in place to bar or restaurant, you know exactly what
The bottom line is if you focus your growth recoup how much you spend, if not, you’ll I’m talking about. So you should make it
on making money on the front end, you’re lose your ass! a priority to have a way to consistently
going to struggle. book parties and events. If you’re doing a
What I do with all my clients is we go birthday offer to customers, screw the free
The front end is all about getting a AGGRESSIVE on acquiring customers, we meal! Even if it’s steak and lobster!
customer, not about making money from outspend the competition, we make more
that customer. The front end takes care of valuable offers than the competition, and If You Haven’t Seen This… You Should
your acquisition costs, while your profit is then for them to get those offers, they
on the back end. If you take your eye off are placed in a follow up system that is Focus on big ticket sales and get them
the front end, your business will struggle. designed to turn that new customer into a to bring 20-50 people in the door. In my
lifer. If you’re interested in knowing more “Solution” video, I reveal how 6 different
LESSON 3 – LESSON #2 about how to actually do that, click here. clients of mine made between $8,160.46
DETERMINES THE SPEED & to $59,625 in sales from sending out just 3
SIZE OF YOUR GROWTH & LESSON 4 – ALWAYS HAVE A e-mails for party offers. If you haven’t seen
SUCCESS BIG TICKET SALE it yet, you can click here. I put this video
up and take it down throughout the years
When I was a struggling bar owner, this because it’s how I get new private clients.
If your bar or restaurant is stuck, not lesson is what brought me the fastest Just being honest with you but it’s a great
growing, and you want the fastest path to growth in my income, which was only 25-minute video and it shows you step by
success, here’s how to make that happen. possible with lesson #2, lead capture and step how they did this.
being aggressive with my offers.
In lesson two, I talked about the fastest LESSON 5 – THE MORE
way to acquire customers and that’s to Lesson 4 is to make sure you create ways YOU GIVE, THE MORE YOU
out-beat your competitions offers with to sell $500-$1,000, $1,500 or more RECEIVE
breakeven offers or even going negative. packages. What do I mean? Group events
Then betting on the fact you can turn them and party packages. Why focus all your Business isn’t just about putting money
into a loyal repeat customer. marketing dollars and energy trying to in your pocket. Business is about serving
get one or two or four people in the door others. I’d say most restaurant owners
If you know your most loyal customer comes when you can market party packages for get into the business with the mindset of
into your bar, 5 days a week, and spends groups of 20-50 or even 100 or more. serving others and taking care of others.
$20 with you each time, that’s a $5,200 a But I wouldn’t say most bar owners get
year customer. How much are you willing to Over the last 6-7 years, I’ve held over 100 into the business with that mindset. I’ve
spend to get that $5,200 a year customer? benefits and retirement parties of 100 or met and talked to many of them.