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the same thing with menu items, not just       copy, but are there certain strategies or      focus on giving back to the community and
         marketing. Try new menu items. Try new         certain things that you can do differently?    doing charity events for people.
         specials. See what people like. And again,     Or can you take something that they’re
         ask your customers what they want, but         doing and make it more valuable? Can you           FIND WAYS TO IMPROVE
         don’t keep doing the same things over and      make it more fun? Can you make it a better           EVERYTHING IN YOUR
         over and over. People get bored with the       experience? Can you market it differently                     BUSINESS
         old; they want new. When they go up to         so that it’s going to gain more traction? So
         someone they haven’t seen in a while, they     always watch your competition.                 Look around. I remember my dad taught
         say, “Hey, what’s new?” Everybody wants                                                       me when I was very, very young – I
         to know what’s new. That’s why people                   GO TO INDUSTRY                        couldn’t even drive – but I would go to
         are watching the news; they want to know                  CONFERENCES                         work with him and he’d say, “One thing
         what’s new, what’s going on. So keep that                                                     you do when you own a bar in the future is
         in mind, and that will definitely make you a   This is very, very important. Go to            you need to play ‘Where’s Waldo?’” And I
         better bar or restaurant owner as well.        food shows, the National Restaurant            was like, what the hell is ‘Where’s Waldo?’
                                                        Association that’s always in May in            He said, “You walk around and you look at
                 GIVE FEEDBACK TO                       Chicago, the Nightclub and Bar Show.           every wall and you look at every chair. You
          EMPLOYEES, AND LISTEN TO                      You surround yourself with tons of other       go in the bathrooms. You go in the freezer,
                       FEEDBACK                         bar and restaurant owners. You meet a          and you find something that is wrong.
                                                        lot of new people. You find a lot of new       There is always going to be something
         How can you be better as an owner or           products and services that can ultimately      wrong.” I remember he would get so upset
         even a manager? Ask your employees that.       help you grow your business. But by going      that there were little tacks in the walls from
         Send them an email or a text message. Or       to these conferences, that’s going to help     signs that the waitresses would take down,
         maybe they might be scared to answer,          you become a better bar and restaurant         and the tacks would still be in the wall. But
         so put some sort of box out. Don’t make        owner, because it’s going to start making      just find ways to improve anything in your
         them sign their name, but you should find      you think more about how to grow your          business. Is there a chair that’s ripped? Is
         out really how your employees feel about       business. What can you do differently?         there tape on a wall?  There are always
         you and how they think that you could be       What new systems are out there? What           things you can do. And most importantly,
         a better owner or manager. Are you not         new marketing strategies are out there         I think it’s the atmosphere. How can you
         listening? Or how can you make their job       that can help you grow your business?          make the atmosphere better? How can
         easier? And I’m sure you already make their                                                   you make the service better? Because
         job as easy as possible, but maybe there               GIVE BACK TO THE                       ultimately, that’s what your customers care
         can be some confusion. So get feedback                     COMMUNITY                          about the most. I can guarantee it. Also the
         from your employees and listen to them,                                                       presentation of your food and beverages –
         and that can make you a better bar or          That’s one that will definitely help you. Run   how can you make things look better, taste
         restaurant owner.                              some type of charity events. Help out other    better, and be presented better? And that
                                                        people in need, and that’s ultimately going    can also help you become a better bar and
         WATCH YOUR COMPETITION                         to boost your credibility, authority, and      restaurant owner.
                                                        relationships within your
         This is a very important one. What are         community. When people
         they doing for promotions, their menu,         see that you’re giving back,                       WRITTEN BY: NICK FOSBERG
         their specials, their marketing? What are      you’re going to get a hell
         they doing? Are they successful? And if        of a lot more back in return             
         they are, what are the things that they’re     with more loyal customers                          President Bar & Restaurant
         doing that you’re not doing that maybe you     and everything over the                            Success
         can. I’m not going to say that you have to     long run. So definitely

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