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LEARN NEW TECHNOLOGIES by the title, it makes you think. And when business growth mentors out there. There
you think the way that you need to think, are life coaches out there. It’s always good
This is really important in today’s age, that Napoleon Hill talks about here, it’s to work with others. Don’t think that you
because technology has taken over. going to help you grow rich and be smarter know everything about the bar business, the
Smartphones, iPads, and all this stuff is what and think about what you need to do with restaurant business, or business in general,
everybody’s growing up with these days. your life to retire and be where you want because things are changing at a rapid pace.
We probably won’t even have pens ten to be at a certain age for early retirement. So unless you’re reading five books a week
years from now. Even if you’re at a point in So make sure you read books, educate and going to seminars and doing all this crazy
your life where you’re just like, I don’t want yourself, and these are two that I definitely stuff and learning more and more and more
to learn new technology and there’s nothing suggest that you read. about business growth and new technology,
sexy to me about learning new technology, maybe you don’t need to and you are the
hire someone to, because it’s important for WORK WITH MENTORS mentor. But I believe everybody in life needs
you to be ahead of the game or at least in mentors, because two heads are better than
line with where everything is going, because One thing that I’m doing at the time of one.
your customers are now adapting to me doing this video – next week or in a
technology. And the way to market to them week and a half, I have Donald Burns, the READ THE NEWS
is now digital marketing. The
newspaper and everything else, The reason why you want to read
yes. But if you really want to get the news to become a better bar
the best bang for your buck, you or restaurant owner is because
need to learn the technical ways you can tie certain events that
of getting to your customers. are going on in your local area
And overall, you’re going to get to promotions. Also, you can
a higher ROI marketing that do a lot of grassroots marketing
way than you will using the old as far as showing up at certain
school strategies that you might events in the news. So if there’s
have been used to five or ten a local charity going on or maybe
years ago. there was this horrible car crash,
something like that – I’ve done
READ BOOKS AND tons and tons of benefits for
EDUCATE YOURSELF people from watching the news
where they’ve actually reached
This is very, very important. out to us to do a benefit for them.
You want to keep educating yourself. And restaurant coach coming out. And I have him But there have been a lot of things that I’ve
two of the books that I tell all my clients coming in to systemize my whole kitchen found in the news, too, where I’ve reached
to make sure that they read are one, The and get our food costs and all that stuff out to certain organizations saying, “Hey,
E-Myth by Michael Gerber. That’s all about down. We’ve done that stuff before in the how can we help you raise more money?
systemizing your business. It talks a lot about past and kind of lost track with it. Again, I’m How can we help you make your event
McDonald’s, the start of McDonald’s, and not there that often, but I know systems are more successful?” And when you do that,
how it’s grown into this multibillion dollar what work. You’ve really got to know your people appreciate it because you’re there to
company. And there are so many of them, numbers, and I don’t want to go through help them. And it’s a win-win for both sides,
and they’re all just systemized. And that’s learning all that shit. I don’t like that kind of and they also give you a lot of exposure
what you need to do with your business. stuff. I don’t want to know the prep sheets as well for that. So read the news, find out
That’s fortunately what I’ve been able to do and all that kind of stuff. That’s not what what’s going on in your area, and think of
with both of my bars. I’m rarely at either of I’m into. I like doing the marketing side of how you can be a part of it. How can you
them. I spend a couple of hours a week on things. So what I do is I outsource that. And reach out to people and help them? Don’t
the marketing side, the promotional side, I went to Donald, and now he comes in for always think about yourself. Think about
working with my managers and making sure two or three days to get everything in order how you can help others first, and when you
that things are getting done. That book and get my managers doing everything. And do that, your business will grow much faster
taught me a lot about how to systemize my it’s an investment up front, but it’s going to and you’ll be much happier in life for sure.
business, and it’s taught me a lot about how save me a lot more money over time. So it’s
to do as much as I do with Bar Restaurant always good to work with mentors. I work TALK/ENGAGE WITH
Success as well. with a lot of other business coaches as well. CUSTOMERS
I learn from others. Again, surround yourself
Another one, Think and Grow Rich, which with people who know more than you. But This is a big one. One thing I always do
is by Napoleon Hill, is a great book. Just there are marketing mentors out there, is take surveys to find out what your