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#1 Hispanic Heritage Month
September is Hispanic Heritage Month. So whether you own a bar or
a restaurant, you could run a Hispanic food menu for the entire month
and do something a little bit different than what you usually do.
Always remember, your customers want new items, new promotions,
etc. They get tired of the same old stuff. Everyone is always looking for
You could also run a promotion such as 20% off on tabs for one week,
during September for National Hispanic Heritage month. You can get
on Facebook and target ads directly to hispanics for this special offer
if you wanted to. You could run it to others too but you need to think
where you’re going to get the best conversions, which would be to
hispanics for a hispanic holiday.
#2 National Square Dancing Month
You could set up square dance lessons one night or
even have a group contest of who’s the best square
dancers. The way you could promote this is start tar-
geting the country music demographics. Very simple
to do on Facebook. You could even partner with your
local country radio station and do a live remote.
Get some of your liquor and beer vendors involved to
help sponsor the event, get a bunch of giveaways, and
do one big grand prize for the winners.
but you could have a square dance lesson night, or
you could even do a contest where people come in. So
what I would do, depending on your bar, is if you have
an email or customer list, reach out to customers and
say, “Hey, we’re thinking about doing this. Would you
be interested?” And see what kind of response you get.