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Weekly Promotions In September

                                                  Enthusiasm, Payroll, & Waffle - Week One

                                                  Week one is considered to be Enthusiasm Week, Payroll Week, and Waffle
                                                  Week. I’m not sure what you could do with the first the first one, but for
                                                  payroll week you could run some kind of offer to accountants in the area.
                                                  Get a direct mail list of all the accountants or target “accountants” on
                                                  Facebook and make them a offer for their special week.

                                                  If you serve breakfast you could run a new menu of waffles for Waffle
                                                  week. You could run a buy one waffle get the 2nd waffle free. If you’re a
                                                  bar that has a fun loyal fan base, get creative and do a waffle night. Send
                                                  out a funny e-mail letting people know you saw it was National Waffle
                                                  Week and that waffles are one of your favorite things to eat - especially
                                                  at night! And because of that, you’re going all out and doing a waffle
                                                  dinner! This could be a big hit or it could be a dud! How do you know
                                                  which it will be? ASK your customers their opinion on the idea. Send out
                                                  a e-mail and some Facebook posts and ASK people what they think. If
                                                  you get a great response, RUN IT! If you don’t, then don’t! Very simple.

        Line Dance Week - Week Two

        Week two  is Line Dance Week instead of Line Dance Month, which
        I’ve already gone through. That’s starting the second Monday in

                                         Prostate Cancer Awareness - Week Three

                                            Run a charity event and raise money for a prostate cancer organization.
                                             Again, write a press release and send it out to all the news organizations
                                              letting them know what you’re doing. Maybe a percentage of sales go
                                              to them or you get your food companies and liquor companies to help
                                              sponsor it and you give 100% of food sales.

                                              I believe you should always try to do some kind of charity event once a
                                              month, or at least once every two months if you can. Start being known
                                             for that. When more people know that you do charity events to help people
                                            in need, more trust, credibility, and authority builds up for you and your
                                           business, which results in more people wanting to do business with you!


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