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Singles Week - Week 3

                                                          For a bar, you could run some kind of late night, speed dating
                                                          type of promotion to get people in the bar. Or, just say, “Hey,
                                                          it’s Singles Week. All the singles that come in get xyz–.” This
                                                          is the perfect promotion to draw up some excitement and
                                                          get those guys are girls who ARE looking for love to some in
                                                          and maybe find their match in heaven!

                                                          As I always say, sometimes people need excuses to go out
                                                          and spend money at the bars or restaurants. So spending $50
                                                          or so on Facebook ads, targeting the right demographics, and
                                                          saying “If you’re single, then this is for you! It’s National Sin-
                                                          gles Week and if you come in tonight from 7-12, and you’re
                                                          single, you’re going to get ENTER OFFER - Please Tag anyone
                                                          you know that is single that needs a night out!” You’ll get a
                                                          ton of people tagging their friends who are single and they’ll
                                                          start making plans to come out!

            National Dog Week - Week 4

            There’s a ton of dog lovers and there’s very easy ways to
            target dog owners. You can buy mailing lists of dog owners
            and you can target people on Facebook who are BUYING
            dog food, treats, etc. This means you’ve got a big target
            market for a promotion that has to do with dogs!

            Partner up with a local dog shelter, groomer, vet, and run
            some kind of charity event for dogs. Come up with prizes
            and dog bags to hand out with little treats in them for
            everyone who shows up.
            Maybe this isn’t a charity event and you just get 3-4
            sponsors to give you $200 and you give them exposure
            through your customer list and all the advertising you do
            for the event. You give everyone who comes to the event a
            offer or information on their business. Then with the $600-
            $800 you get, you give away treats, toys, medicine, dog beds,
            etc, etc.

            How many bars and restaurants do you know that do “Dog”
            promotions? None? Then why don’t you be the one that
            does? There are some people out there who are insane
            about dogs. What if you could win them over? Do you think
            they’d come back more often because they appreciate YOU
            for appreciating something they LOVE?


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