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Owner The Brahmin - Boston MA
                                                                                                            Dan Hart,
                                                                          Russell Demariano
  Turn Them Into
      How To Attract New Customers, Turn Them Into                                                               Owner Hart’s Saloon   guru’s are totally wrong about!  discounrng that the “restaurant and bar”        When you should and shouldn’t discount and the myths about     one of these out, you’re markerng efforts can be a total loss.       The 5 key ingredients you need in every ad to get the highest ROI on your markerng dollars - If you leave   of tesrng different offers. This is
                    Raving Fans, & Become Unbeatable

                                            In Any Market

   Get Nick's New Book - FREE!

    Here's Just A Few Secrets You'll Learn

           How to ONLY adverrse to people in your area who are BUYING beer, wine, liquor, and meals at other bars
       and restaurants on their credit cards - can you think of the ROI you’d get targerng ONLY these types of people
       with offers to your business.

            The best offers to make to get new customers in your doors & the worst offers to make (Based on 6 years
       of tesrng different offers. This is your shortcut to eliminarng trial and error).
            The 5 key ingredients you need in every ad to get the highest ROI on your markerng dollars - If you leave
       one of these out, you’re markerng efforts can be a total loss.

               When you should and shouldn’t discount and the myths about
       discounrng that the “restaurant and bar”
       guru’s are totally wrong about!

                                                                                       James Henderson,  Former Director
                                                   Russell Demariano                   Of Operations TGI Fridays & Former
                  Dan Hart,                   Owner The Brahmin - Boston MA            Vice President of Human Resources
             Owner Hart’s Saloon                                                          for Rafferty’s Restaurants

           Click Here & Get Your Free Copy Today

                                                                                                                                                   Turn Them Into


  Get Nick's New Book - FREE!

   Here's Just A Few Secrets You'll Learn

          How to ONLY adverrse to people in your area who are BUYING beer, wine, liquor, and meals at other bars
      and restaurants on their credit cards - can you think of the ROI you’d get targerng ONLY these types of people
      with offers to your business.

           The best offers to make to get new customers in your doors & the worst offers to make (Based on 6 years
      of tesrng different offers. This is your shortcut to eliminarng trial and error).

           The 5 key ingredients you need in every ad to get the highest ROI on your markerng dollars - If you leave
      one of these out, you’re markerng efforts can be a total loss.
              When you should and shouldn’t discount and the myths about
      discounrng that the “restaurant and bar”
      guru’s are totally wrong about!

                                                   Russell Demariano
                 Dan Hart,                    Owner The Brahmin - Boston MA
            Owner Hart’s Saloon
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