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PUBLISHED BY:                                                                            ABOUT THE AUTHOR:

                                                                                                Nick Fosberg was once a
      Bar Restaurant Success
      1667 Divine DR                                                                            struggling bar restaurant
                                                                                                owner, paying bills out of
      Rockford, IL 61107                                                                        his own pocket just to keep
                                                                                                his doors open. After hitting
      © Copyright 2015                                                                          massive frustration, Nick
      Bar Restaurant Success LLC.                                                               reached out to marketing
      All Rights Reserved                                                                       books, courses, seminars,
      May be shared with copyright and                                                          and  then  finally  hired  a
      credit left intact.                                                                       marketing and business
                                                                                                coach to help him figure
                                                                                                out how to increase sales
                                                                                                and profits.

                                                                Within 8 months of working with his coach, Nick doubled his
        Want To Increase Sales & Dominate                       business by applying what he now calls his Loyal Regular
                                                                Value Optimization Marketing Funnel or “LRVO” for short.
         The Competition Without Wasting                        After his success and having to look outside the industry for

                            Your                                answers, he started Bar Restaurant Success so he could
                                                                provide the answers owners are looking for - How to get new
                                                                customers in the door without wasting marketing dollars!
                   Marketing Dollars?                           To this day Nick and his team have over seen a half a million

                                                                dollars in marketing & promotional campaigns for himself and
         Click Here & Become A Member Of                        his clients. He’s made a massive impact in the industry by
                                                                providing everything he’s learned through trial and error.
       Bar Restaurant Success For Just $1 &

        Have Nick Personally Help You Take                                   To see some of his best

          Your Business To The Next Level!                                 success stories, click here.

   “                                                         “

     The Bar Restaurant Success program is literally
     the easiest turn key promotional program for busy
                                                                If you’re looking for new, creative promotions or
     owners like myself. Nick goes through step by step
     into each promotion, how to run it, what offers to
                                                                Nick’s expertise will get you the results you’re looking
     make, and he gives you every marketing template            marketing  strategies  that  are  actually  profitable,
                                                                for much faster then you trying to figure it out on your
     you need to make it a success. If you want to be           own through trial and error.
     different then the competition, run promotions
     that get people in your door, that are easy to set         He’s got the shortcut and success stories to prove it!     “
     up, this is your answer!       “

                                                                                Chris Lenahan
                               Don WIlburn                                      Author Of “The Little Black Bar Book”
                               Hot Shots Sports Bar & Grill,
                               Arnold, MO

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