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8. Connect to the                                          can adequately describe what and how they do to stand out from

            emotional side of people.                                           the market. Great restaurant brands connect at the emotional level
                                                                                of why.

         Behavioral scientist will tell you that it’s in our genetic makeup to    Let’s take the example of your typical Mexican restaurant. Their
         be social creatures. We can’t help it. Great brands understand that    brand statement might read like, “We make tacos and burritos
         and take advantage of what was mentioned earlier as “the human         following traditional family recipes. We use great ingredients, made
         element.” Take a look at commercials                                                                  fresh daily.” Not bad, right?
         for cologne or perfume. There’s no
         way by watching a TV commercial               “Most restaurants can                                   Here’s how Chipotle does it. “We
         that you know what that product is            adequately describe what                                believe that food should not only
         going to smell like. They flash images        and how they do to stand                                be fresh, it should not contain
         of beautiful people, doing beautiful                                                                  hormones, antibiotics or GMO’s.
         things, in beautiful locations.               out from the market. Great                              We believe your food should be
         Those images stir up emotions and             restaurant brands connect at                            prepared in front of you so you can
         marketers around the world will all           the emotional level of why.”                            see our commitment to using fresh,
         agree that people buy for emotional                                                                   local and sustainable products. We
         reasons.                                                                                              also make a damn great burrito.”
                                                                                When you explain the why behind what drives your restaurant, you’ll
         Restaurant brands can play into a wide range of human emotions         stand out so far in the market that others will be playing catchup.
         like romance. A small intimate restaurant could say something
         like this on social media, “Our restaurant was voted number one             10. Stand out from the
         most romantic views of the city. Rekindle that spark with dinner
         reservations tonight at Chez Paris.”

         Humor is another great emotion that restaurants can tap into. How
         about a pizza restaurant that puts a social media post up saying,      If you have followed closely to the previous nine commandments,
         “You had me at mozzarella” or at staff wearing t-shirts that say,      then this one is just icing on the cake. Have a great story that
         “Legalize Marinara.” People connect with brands that don’t take        explains your why. Connect with the emotional side of people and
         themselves too seriously. To paraphrase a famous Marilyn Monroe        deliver value. In your brand promise, be consistent and customer
         quote, “If you can make someone laugh, you can make them do            focused. When times get tough you need to believe in your brand.
         anything.”                                                             If you follow these Branding Commandments, you’ll find that your
                                                                                restaurant definitely stands out from the crowd.
                 9. Explain your “why.”

                                                                                                            WRITTEN BY: DONALD BURNS
         Simon Sinek has an amazing book entitled, “Start With Why.” He
         discusses the concept that most brands focus on telling you what                         
         they do and how they do it. Sinek goes on to explain that great                                    The Restaurant Coach™
         brands explain why they do it. Marketers love to throw out the                                                                    
         words brand differential or unique selling proposition. Most restaurants

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