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How To Catch More New Customers With This

         Hook That Your Competition Wish They Had

                 ave you ever been extremely upset that you spent               that is to make a sale. Not to win awards for how great it looks.
                 thousands of dollars marketing your business to create         It’s to put money in your registers, while also providing a great
        Ha sales boost but then come up with very little results?               experience, a great value to your customers.
         Don’t worry you’re not alone.
                                                                                I want to tell you a quick story about a fisherman, Captain John
         Today it’s more important than ever to know how to attract             Rade, and his greatest secret to catching fish. Captain John
         new customers and promoting your prices and specials just              was from the Long Island area and to understand how great a
         doesn’t do it today. Studies show we see, hear, or watch over          fisherman he was; you should know that government agencies
         5,000 marketing messages a day and we avoid 99% of them like           regulate fishing. For sports anglers the number of fish you can
         the plague. We can now listen to our favorite music without            catch is low.
         commercials for a few bucks a month. We can get all our favorite
         news headlines without ads. We can watch all our favorite shows        For commercial fishermen, who earn a living from the sea,
         while skimming past commercials.                                       the limits are much higher. I say this because captain John is
                                                                                a commercial fisherman, who specializes in catching fish for
         Do you see where this is going? Today, I’m going to tell you           a living to sell to restaurants and fish markets. But he’s a rare
         how to catch more customers with a secret hook that your               type of commercial fisherman. He’s what’s called a “Pinhooker,”
         competition wish they had.                                             which means he doesn’t rely on the usual commercial fishing
                                                                                methods. No big nets, no long lines with hundreds of bait
                   The Big Question…                                            hooks.

         What Is Advertising Really?                                            He just goes out in his motorboat with a rod and reel and hooks

                                                                                his fish one at a time. Yet he always comes back with hundreds
                                                                                of pounds of fish. On a typical Saturday, The Viking Starship, a
         First things first. Do you know what advertising really is?            big party boat takes out 50-60 fisherman. Captain John Rade will
         Advertising is multiplied salesmanship, did you hear that,             usually out fish these 50-60 fishermen combined, fishing from
         salesmanship. It has one purpose and one purpose only and              the same waters.

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