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expert interview

               The Restaurant Coach: How To Double

               Your Loyal Regulars Without Marketing

         Nick:                                                                  So I took a little time off, and I actually went into the military. I was
         On today’s call, I have Donald Burns, The Restaurant Coach. Donald     in the air force, and I was very lucky. I got selected for a team called
         has helped thousands of restaurants take their business to the next    Pararescue, which was combat rescue. So I learned a lot about team
         level of success by helping them with customer service, teambuilding,   development and stuff like that, high performance, and how to be
         management, sales, controlling costs, and so much more. Today, we’re   a high performer from my days in the military. We started with 83
         going to cover how to double your loyal regulars without marketing.    guys in our class, and then two years later, only seven of us made it.
         So Donald, before we dive into all the valuable secrets that you have
         to do this, why don’t you tell us how you got started in the restaurant   After that, I went back to college. I have a degree in marketing.
         industry and how that evolved into you helping other restaurant        And while I was going to college, of course I had the experience
         owners get to the next level?                                          from high school in restaurants, so I could always get jobs. And I
                                                                                just started thinking that now that I don’t have the pressure on me
         Donald:                                                                from my dad, I kind of like this. I kind of had a natural thing for it.
         Of course, Nick. Number one, thanks for having me on the show          And I just started working with the right chefs and working with
         today. And number two, my father basically was a chef, so I grew up    the right places, and it led me to the point where I opened up a
         in the restaurant business. Like most people, I started out washing    restaurant, the dream of every chef. And it kind of didn’t really do
         dishes and worked my way up. My father was a big believer in           too well. I knew how to run a kitchen, but I didn’t know how to build
         cross training, so I pretty much did every job you can think of in a   a business and run a restaurant.
         restaurant. I’d fill in for a hostess or a host. I also learned how to
         wait tables when I was 18. So it was really good training for me, and   So I had a big learning curve. This is back in the ‘90s. There was
         there was a point – growing up in the business, you kind of get a      no such thing as a restaurant coach. So I talked to any restaurant
         little jaded about it. And he said to me, “It’s in your blood.” And I’m   owners that would give me some information and give me some
         like: I want a transfusion, because I don’t want to do this.           wisdom. And I started studying successful restaurants, and I found

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