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The $10,000 Pot Of Gold St. Patrick’s

         Day Promotion

                                                                                             How To Run The
               t. Patrick’s day is always a pretty busy day for bars, even the
               non-Irish bars. This special day gives everyone an “excuse”                          Promotion
         Sto go out and drink as much green beer and Jameson as
         they want, while soaking it up with some Ruben’s and corn beef
         dinners.                                                               Since there were 3 games to play and to pro long this as much as
                                                                                possible, we did one game per hour. For every drink or food item
         Today I’m going to give you a promotion I ran at one of my bars        we served, people would get one raffle ticket. We would then
         2 years back. It’s called the “Pot Of Gold” Promotion and this can     pull a raffle ticket and that person would get to participate.
         work for any bar and could work for some restaurants depending
         on the layout and atmosphere.                                          We had 20 big envelopes made with a black pot of gold on the
                                                                                outside of them and we stuck each of the security envelopes from
             Pot Of Gold St. Patrick’s                                          the insurance company in the festive envelopes. To make sure
                                                                                everyone could see, we posted those envelopes up on our wall.
                        Day Promotion                                           Again, to win the $10,000 they had to pick the exact 3 winners.

                                                                                Of course the odds are in their favor so to make sure everyone
         What I did was I reached out to a company called Odds On               is a winner, Odds On Promotion printed up other prizes for us to
         Promotion and they have this game that they will insure for any        put in those envelopes such as a free meal, gift cards, t-shirt, etc.
         amount of money you want,                                                                      This way if they open a non-winner from
         where you get 3 different                                                                       the very start, they still have some hope
         games, and each game consists              Our greatest weakness lies in                        to win some cool prizes.
         of 20 envelopes.                           giving up. The most certain

         Inside of each group of 20 is 3            way to succeed is always to                          The Cost To Run
         winners. If you pick ONLY the              try just one more time.                                This Promotion
         3 winners, you would win the
         $10,000 (or any amount you
         choose) that is insured by Odds                       Thomas A. Edison                          The insurance alone was around $700
         On Promotion.                                                                                   for the $10,000 insurance but we had

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