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this stuff is designed to catch fishermen, not fish. Yet fishermen
                                                                                are always after these new devices and it’s a waste of money
                                                                                because that’s not what the fish want.

                                                                                                  The Secret…

                                                                                So he doesn’t go after the stuff that catch fisherman. What John
                                                                                does is he studies everything there is to know about fish he
                                                                                wants to catch. When they are hungry. What they like to eat as
                                                                                seasons change. What bait is running in the water and attracting
                                                                                them on any given day. And the most important thing he studies
                                                                                is the ocean, the environment his fish swim in. Why? because it’s
                                                                                the ocean that affects his target more than anything else.

                                                                                So by studying all this and knowing what bait to use and when,
                                                                                and what the environment is like at all times, he’s able to out
                                                                                fish everyone else because he knows what the fish are after and
                                                                                when they will bite.

                                                                                  The Questions You Need

                                                                                      To Ask Yourself Before

                                                                                        You Write Your Next

                                                                                           Advertising Check

         The local newspaper reporter asked him “How do you do this?
         How are you able to out fish 50-60 others in the same waters by        Now let me clarify this so it means much more to you. Before
         yourself, time and time again?”                                        you spend another penny on marketing, think of who you’re
                                                                                trying to catch and where you’re going to catch them. Remember,
         This Is How You                                                                                        we are always avoiding marketing
                                                                                                                messages, so the question is
          MUST Think To                                    All you need in this                                 how do we get in front of them
                                                           life is ignorance and
                                                                                                                and when we do, how do we get
         Profit From Your                                  confidence, and then                                 them to at least pay the slightest

                                                                                                                bit of attention to our ad?
              Advertising!                                 success is sure.                                     Then the question is how do we

                                                                                                                get that potential customer to
         What he responded with is extremely                              Mark Twain                            do what we want? To get them
         critical to your success in marketing                                                                  to come in our doors and spend
         your bar or restaurant. He said to the                                                                 money? Here’s a little secret from
         reporter “Don’t think like a fisherman, think like a fish!”            a great philosopher Plato, “There’s only 2 ways to get someone to
                                                                                do what you want. Either by force or persuasion.”
         He said, “when most fishermen go out to fish, they think like a
         fisherman, when I go out, I think like a fish.” And he devoted his     We can’t use force. So we must use the art of persuasion and
         life to this.                                                          allow our reasoning to be accepted or not by others. So your
                                                                                advertising today MUST be persuasive. How do you do that? You
         Now let me ask you this. How often do you think like an owner,         make them an offer they can’t refuse! And you tell them WHY
         like a promoter, like a marketer and how little do you think like your   they should take advantage, how they are going to benefit, and
         target audience you’re trying to get them to spend money with you?     why they need to take action now.

         Let me explain. Captain John said most fisherman go out and buy        If your Facebook ads, if your newspaper ads, if any of your
         the new shiny lures, colored fancy gimmicks. But he said most of       marketing is not persuading, don’t waste your money.

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