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In conclusion, understand you need to be strategic about who an expert yourself or B, find someone who is and make sure they
you’re trying to attract and you need to know the most profitable can back that up with proof.
way to get in front of that person with an offer that persuades
them to walk in your doors. Promoting your prices, your specials, If after reading this article, a lightbulb went off in your head and you
your logo, address, and “like us on Facebook” and follow us now understand why your marketing isn’t performing and you’re
on twitter slogans are worthless. Yes, it’s good to use on free ready to make that change, click this link and I might be able to help
strategies but not paid advertising. you take your marketing and your business to the next level.
I oversee 25k-30k a month in advertising dollars for my clients.
I know what works and what doesn’t through trial and error, but WRITTEN BY: Nick Fosberg
it’s also from studying and learning from some of the greatest
advertisers who’ve sold millions through the mail and online. If
you want your marketing to actually make you a profit time and President Bar & Restaurant
time again, you need to either A, study marketing and become Success
St. Patty’s Day Cocktail Recipes Of The Month
Apple Martini
ï 1 oz. Vodka
ï 1 oz. Sour Apple Pucker®
ï 1 oz. Apple Juice
Garnish: Cherry
Pour all ingredients into a shaker with ice. Shake and
strain into a chilled martini glass.
Shamrock Juice Cocktail
ï 1/2 ounces gin
ï 1/2 ounces white tequila
ï 1/2 ounces light rum
ï 1/2 ounces vodka
ï 1 ounce Blue Curacao
ï 4 ounces fresh squeezed orange juice
Stir with cracked ice in a shaker and pour into a chilled
cocktail glass. Twist a lemon zest over the drink and
float the zest on top.