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23 Restaurant Promotions For March
T oday, I’m going to cover a few promotions for March that Take This To
will increase your sales and attract new customers!
The first promotional idea is on the first Friday in March, The Next Level
National Employee Appreciation Day. The other thing you can do is tie this in with other “Employees”
or everyone in your area. Get on social media and let people
I’ve actually got two ideas here for you. know about this promotion and that they are welcome too
since they are employees elsewhere and it’s National Employee
One idea is to have a staff appreciation party and bring in a few Appreciation Day.
guest bartenders and servers. You probably couldn’t do this on a
Friday with it being too busy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t break You could contact employers in the area to let them know about
the rules and run this on a Sunday or Monday when it’s slower. your promotion and see if they want to have an employee party.
Give them some appetizer packages to sweeten the deal and get
I’ve run this same type of promotion for the last 7 years and have a bigger response…
done pretty well with it.
What’s nice about this is the staff can invite the loyal customers Easiest Promotion For Any
up and hang out with them. Again, you’d do this on your slowest Bar Or Restaurant Owner
night of the week. Besides just getting your staff to get the loyal
customers in the door, get them to invite their friends as well.
The next promotional idea I have for you is on the 26th, Make Up
You can easily get an extra 20-30 people in the door on your Your Own Holiday Day.
slowest night of the week by having your staff work their “invite”
magic. It doesn’t get any easier than this. Any bar or restaurant can