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You’re a small business owner, too. Show them your
                                                                                appreciation! They’ll love you for this!

                                                                                You could get on LinkedIn, you could run Facebook ads
                                                                                directly to small business owners, and you could talk to your
                                                                                entire staff and see if they have personal relationships with
                                                                                small business owners. I guarantee they do!

                                                                                               Make This Into

                                                                                              Something BIG!

                                                                                This could also turn into a huge networking event where some
                                                                                great joint venture partnerships could be created!
         create a yearly promotion out of this. The way this works is You,
         the owner or manager, comes up with YOUR own holiday.                  If you want the other 20 promotional ideas for Мarch,
                                                                                click here and download them for free. One that you’ll definitely
         The two easiest ideas you can use would be “National Go To             want to know more about is my 10,000-dollar pot of gold
         YOUR Bar Day or National Go To YOUR Restaurant Day.” A                 giveaway.
         really easy way to create some publicity for this and gain extra
         exposure would be to write up a press release and get that out         Download it now and I’ll see you on the next episode of Bar
         to the media outlets. They’re always looking for newsworthy            Restaurant Success and if you have any great ideas for March
         information when it’s tied to certain holidays.                        promotions, click here to leave a message under the article.

                 National Mom & Pop

                 Business Owner Day                                                                        WRITTEN BY: Nick Fosberg


         Get a mailing list of local business owners and send them a                                       President Bar & Restaurant   
         letter or postcard about this special day and that you thought                                    Success
         it was only right to give them a great offer on this day.

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