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The key word is memorable.

         Great hospitality is about making each guest’s dining experience
         memorable. The part that isn’t so apparent in that statement is
         that YOU don’t make a dining experience memorable; the people
         a guest is dining with do. For something to really stick, it has to
         be anchored to a feeling. For example, when my business partner
         Chef Fred Langley would hire new employees in his restaurants,
         he wanted to make sure they had the same love of food and the
         restaurant business he did. As a young chef he was sure that by
         creating incredible food he would do exactly that. He just needed
         to find people who wanted to deliver on service to match his
         commitment to food.

         When he interviewed people he would ask them to tell him about
         their favorite food memories. He expected he would hear about
         incredible service and an equally incredible restaurant. But that’s
         not what he got. Instead he got answers like, “a hot dog with
         my grandpa at my first baseball game,” “grandma’s apple pie at
         Thanksgiving dinner,” and the list went on. None of the stories
         were about a restaurant; they were about an experience with
         someone where a memory was created.
                                                                                the hospitality business, “Is everything ok?,” (because we strive
         What he learned is great food alone did not create a memory.           to make your dining experience ok?) it’s about asking specific
         If his team delivered WOW customer service, it alone did not           questions, such as is your steak cooked to the perfect temperature
         create a memory. In fact, it was less about him and his team and       or isn’t the shrimp scampi to die for?
         more about the guest and who they were dining with. It was the
         team anticipating the needs of their guests — and never breaking       Another example is drink refills. Don’t interrupt the guests to ask
         the connection the diners had together — that could make the           if they want a refill. Drop a new one off anytime the drink is a
         experience memorable.                                                  quarter full and remove the old one.

            Hospitality                              The will to win, the desire to                                 See, great hospitality is an
                                                                                                                    extension of great service, it’s
            In Practice                              succeed, the urge to reach                                     the art of making sure your

                                                                                                                    guests’ needs are anticipated
                                                     your full potential... these are                               and met for them before they
         To do this effectively takes                                                                               ever have to notice things
         small things that should go                 the keys that will unlock the                                  are not right or they need
         unnoticed. For example, I                                                                                  something. This allows them
         referred to a few examples of               door to personal excellence.                                   to create memories with the
         steps of service earlier. Here is                                                                          people they are with. And
         how they would be executed                                                    Confucius                    when that happens, your
         with hospitality in mind.                                                                                  restaurant is the place they
                                                                                                                    remember because when
         When the server introduces himself or herself at the table, it isn’t,   they dine with you, they always have the best time.
         “Hi, my name is,” when they first greet a table. It’s about connecting
         with the guest first, finding something at the table to start a bonding   Tell us, what’s your favorite food memory?
         conversation, such as noticing a shopping bag and saying, “Oh, I
         love that store, too.” After the server makes a connection with the
         guests, explains the menu and takes their drink order, the server                                   WRITTEN BY: David S. Peters
         starts to leave the table, turns back and says, “Oh, by the way, my                       
         name is David, and I will take care of you tonight.”
                                                                                                             Restaurant expert, speaker, coach
                                                                                                             and trainer for independent
         Then instead of checking back in three minutes after the food                                       restaurant owners            
         has been delivered and asking my least favorite question in

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