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How to Give Your Restaurant Guests a
Great Dining Experience
A s a starting point, let’s agree we are not in the restaurant What does it mean to deliver great service? Is that different
business. Nope, we are in the hospitality business.
from delivering on the promise of great hospitality? Some
difference in the meaning of hospitality and service here at
If the restaurant business was about competing only on say the difference is in semantics, but we believe there is a
the food we prepared and sold, we would be competing with a
gas station. And a breakfast place would be competing with a
steakhouse. Great service is the execution of the steps of service on a shift-by-
shift basis. It’s introducing yourself at the table when you take an
The thing that allows you to differentiate yourself is to offer the order. It’s checking back in three minutes after the food has been
dining experience your diners expect. delivered to a table to see if everything is good. It’s making sure
drinks are refilled in a timely basis.
Now, don’t get me wrong. Food is a major part of what we do and
one Italian restaurant is directly competing with another Italian Provide Great Hospitality
restaurant, etc. But we need to first understand what our jobs
are and how we can use service to separate ourselves from the
masses. Great hospitality is an extension of great service, taking it to
another level.
Our job is to execute on the promise of Restaurant 101 first and
foremost. Delivering on this promise means giving our guests a Here at, hospitality is a great dining
clean, safe environment to dine, great food and “WOW” customer experience that goes far beyond great food and great service.
service. Assuming your place is clean, safe and you put out great A truly great dining experience is when our guest’s needs are
food, your focus needs to turn to providing a WOW customer anticipated and met for them, resulting in 100 percent satisfaction.
service experience. Service is what separates you from the mass of It’s to always strive to make every moment memorable.
independent and chain restaurants all around you.