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valuable… You want to make sure you take care of them, especially
                                                                                in smaller towns and places like that. You really need to pay
                                                                                attention to your regulars and your loyal customers. You’ve got
                                                                                to protect them and almost be obsessed about it. I think a lot of
                                                                                people get off track about that, and there are a lot of things we can
                                                                                do to make sure we’re taking care of those people.

                                                                                Right. So for anybody listening or reading the transcript of the
                                                                                interview, how do you go into somebody’s restaurant or bar and start
                                                                                working with their team to focus on the customer experience? What
                                                                                would your words of wisdom be to a restaurant owner right now to
                                                                                say, “These are the steps you need to take, and here’s what you need
                                                                                to do to provide the best customer experience. This is also how you
                                                                                implant this into your servers’ brains.”?

                                                                                The first thing is we have to define: what is our service? I’m also a
                                                                                big believer in the power of words. And I always like to say there’s
         that there was a pattern and there were things that they did. And I    a big distinction between service and hospitality. Service, to me, is
         started studying NLP, Neuro-linguistic programming, and I started      pretty much the mechanics: serve from the left, clear from the right.
         using what they call modelling. I started using the same tools and     It’s very much the mechanics, the technical skills, of service, and
         techniques they did, I turned my restaurant around, and now I had      those things can be pretty much taught by anybody. Anybody can
         a system. I actually sold my first restaurant and opened up a bigger   be taught to serve from the left, clear from the right, and all that
         restaurant. But now, I had a really good, solid system. I used that to   kind of stuff. But hospitality is the human connection, and that’s the
         build my sales up to 2.2 million, and then I sold that.                part where a lot of people miss. They think: I’m giving good service.
                                                                                And you could have. You could have been on top of your table. You
         Then I got recruited by Wolfgang Puck, and I worked for Wolf for       could have cleared the plates. You could have refilled the water. If
         five years helping him expand his catering and restaurant empire       you don’t have that hospitality and human connection, … to compel
         across the country. Then I decided to go into consulting for myself,   them to come back, especially if the food is just so-so.
         and so since 2005, I’ve been doing consulting. And I actually just
         started doing the coaching stuff. I started offering coaching back in   So the first thing I always do is you’ve got to define what is service
         2009, and it’s been huge. It’s                                                                             and hospitality, and what
         been great, and people really                                                                              is our standard. You’ve got
         like the model.                                                                                            to have a standard. Most
                                                     To be successful you have                                      restaurants I go into, I can

         Nick:                                       to be lucky, or a little mad,                                  tell people right off the bat,
         Awesome! So today’s topic,                                                                                 “If you want to have a better
         again, is how to double                     or very talented, or find                                      restaurant right now, today,
         your loyal regulars without                                                                                raise your standards.” You’ve
         marketing. And the way this is              yourself in a rapid growth                                     got to have higher standards,
         possible is by giving customers             field.                                                         and you’ve got to have team
         a great experience. Make them                                                                              members that have standards
         feel special and make them feel                                  Edward de Bono                            just as high as yours, or even
         welcomed, so they choose you                                                                               higher. So the first thing you
         over any other restaurant or bar.                                                                          do – I call it a service cycle.
         Before we jump into that, why                                                                              What’s our standard for
         don’t we talk about why our                                                                                when a guest comes in the
         loyal customers are so important to us and why it’s so important to    door, how long do we have to greet them? When a guest sits at
         focus on building the size of our loyal customers each and every day?   the bar, how long, how many seconds or minutes, is the standard
                                                                                for a bartender to at least acknowledge them? How long is the
         Donald:                                                                standard to get a drink made? What’s the standard for when they
         Marketing gets tougher and tougher every year. With more and           sit at a table for a waiter or server to come over? What’s our timing
         more restaurants opening, it seems like a lot of restaurants get a     for appetizers? What’s our timing for entrees? If you don’t have
         smaller piece of the pie... So the people that do come in, they’re     standards, there’s nothing to hold people accountable to.

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