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Pro, which allows the operator to put all their numbers in once, Instead, when they discover they need to spend $500 dollars and
tie all their systems together, and hold their management team a penny more, they have to come to the owner, tell them they
accountable. So it has everything from manager logs and labor discovered what the problem was, and how they fixed it. Then
controls and cash controls to complete food and beverage systems. the owner can decide. “That’s fantastic. Thank you for proactively
Everything that you can imagine to run your operation is at your changing this so that we don’t make this same dumbass mistake for
fingertips as long as you have internet access. the next 45 days until I get my next P&L.” But I also might have the
ability to say, “I’m sorry, you can’t order that product. I don’t have
Nick: the cash,” because cash pays our bills, profits don’t.
Awesome, sounds good. David, here’s what I really want to get
answered for our Bar and Restaurant Success audience. Running a You add two clipboard systems to this, and I guarantee you we can
profitable kitchen obviously takes a lot of work. You have to know reduce your food costs by three points overnight, without recipe
your numbers. And I’ll admit, I’m not perfect. I’ve been a victim of not cards and without taking inventory. And those two additional
knowing my food costs and all that. So my question is this, David. systems are a key item report and a waste sheet. Waste sheet is
What is your formula for creating and maintaining a successful a keyboard system literally tracking what you have wasted, what
kitchen operation with the least amount of effort for that busy has been spoiled, what has been dropped, what you’ve discovered
restaurant owner or that busy bar owner? stolen, what has been misordered. And a lot of kitchens don’t want
to put it in place, because they
David: think it’s an ‘I gotcha,’ like if I show
I wish I could tell you there was you our mistake, I’m losing my job.
just one easy thing to do. I’ll Wrong! It’s a proactive management
tell you that there are things tool. We want to see what problems
that we can do that are easy, we had or challenges we have so
and then eventually we’ve got that we can identify who needs
to move you to a point where training, who should be moved from
we’ve got to get the hard stuff one station to another, and who
done. So if I was looking at it should be fired. And it can be as
and I wanted to quickly make simple as: why is your food cost up?
a change in my business, there Well, if you’ve noticed, the front of
are three systems that I would house has hired three new servers,
have put in place right away that and they’ve been double ordering
don’t take a lot of effort that and running back here and saying,
gives you a lot of control. “Don’t make that.” And it’s been too
late; we’ve lost the product. So we
One of those systems is can identify that the front of house
called the Purchase Allotment needs to do some training. The idea
System. This is where we take is it’s a proactive management tool.
into consideration your sales Whatever challenges I see for a
forecast, your target budget for food costs, your actual sales for day, as a manager, I’m going to try and fix those today so they don’t
food that have happened during that time, and what your purchases happen tomorrow. It’s an incredible tool – clipboard system.
are. It is kind of zero-based budgeting, if you will. It discovers what
your raw food cost is if you had no waste, no theft, no spoilage – a The last one is what’s called the Key Item Report. It’s literally a
perfect restaurant, which does not exist. And it says if I run at 30 count sheet. How much product did I have on the line when I
percent food costs, what I’m looking for, and I did $1,000 dollars in started the shift? How much should I prep or purchase? I add those
sales, I should have used $300 in product. The next two days, I think together, and I know how much I could sell. So if I had fillets and I
I’m going to do the $1,000 dollars each day. Well, I think I’m going was butchering my own tenderloins: I started with five, I butchered
to use another $600 dollars in product. 10 more, so I start with 15. At the end of the shift, I go to my point
of sale system and run an item by item sales mix report or velocity
By doing this on a daily basis, what it allows us to do is create a report or product report. How many fillets did I sell? Let’s say I sold
budget for what our chef or kitchen manager is allowed to purchase 10. I subtract that from 15, and I have five left. I then take my butt,
to stay in budget. What’s powerful about it is it makes sure you have walk into the kitchen and into the cooler, and I count how many
enough food on the shelves, but when that manager – and let’s say steaks I have left. And if I only count four, I’d better see one on
we give them leeway to order $500 dollars more than whatever the waste sheet, because that’s my control. If it’s not on the waste
that number is, they cannot order it without the owner’s approval. sheet, one of two things happened, one worse than the other. One,
This puts control of the bank account back into the owner’s hands I either have theft, or worse than theft, I have management not
without having to micromanage your chef or your kitchen manager. using the systems I put in place to control my numbers.