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expert interview
How To Run A Highly Profitable
Kitchen With The Least Amount Of Effort
Nick: When I left there, I went to a company called Famous Sam’s, a 30
All right, on today’s call, we have David Scott Peters with us, who is unit restaurant/sports bar chain as a franchisor here in Arizona.
known as the restaurant expert. Over the last several years, David I was Director of Operations, opened eight stores, and had an
has been helping thousands of restaurant owners around the country operations team. Unfortunately, the guys who bought the company
revolutionize how their restaurants operate, from controlling food damn near bankrupted it in about a year. As management left, I went
costs, labor costs, liquor costs, to making sure the staff is performing and taught at Scottsdale Culinary Institute – Management, Human
at their highest level. David, tell us a little bit about your background, Resources, Wines and Spirits. I’m not a culinary guy, but I can run
and then tell us how evolved. anybody’s kitchen with the right systems in place. I just can’t cook.
As I was teaching, I was consulting, and the minority shareholders
David: of Famous Sam’s asked me to come back. I decided to come back
Sure. The long story short is I grew up in my family’s restaurant and to what was really a company that should have been bankrupt, and
catering business back in Linwood, New Jersey. I worked for the was given the goal to sell the company within five years. I missed
toughest manager I know, which was my mother. She taught me a that goal by three months.
lot and ran me hard. But she did me a favor, because as I grew in my
career, everywhere I worked, I moved up the ladder very quickly. So I know what it means to be an independent operator. I know
what makes a chain successful. It’s my job to give the independent
I worked for a brew pub and café in the early ‘90s called Coyote operator the same systems and tools that chains use, without losing
Springs Brewing Company and Café when brew pubs were opening their independence. We love our guests. We love our employees.
once a week. The first location was incredible. It was magic. The But we’re going to do what they do well, and that’s what makes
second location was like owning a boat, a hole in water in which money. And that’s what we do here at
you throw money. As we made mistakes, I developed what I call As a restaurant training and coaching company, we do that through
my Restaurant Operational Smart Systems. These are restaurant workshops, seminars, and online trainings. We’ve got desktop
systems that are simple, measurable, applicable, repeatable, and software training programs for all employees, management included.
trainable. Systems have to be simple, or no one is going to use We have coaching. We have webinars. We’ve got all these things,
them. They have to be trainable, or no one is going to use them. but we also have an online software package called Smart Systems