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Midwest. We have those long cold winters.
Last thing people want to do is sit inside
when it’s nice. But having these teams who
are loyal to you, you’ve got guaranteed
The other thing you can do is to sponsor
more teams is run Facebook ads to people
in your area who have an interest in
softball. You may even be able to target
people who “like” the softball organization
that you play for. You could even give a
$50 gift card to any team who brings in
another team for you to sponsor.
in the bar, they get for example a 25% them a reason to celebrate! Have them
APRIL 15 TAX RELIEF off bounce back card to use at a later bring in the entire staff and reward them
RESTAURANT & BAR date. You could do this same idea as a for all their hard work and effort.
PROMOTION restaurant. Have an income tax party
dinner where you come up with a few If you want to get the other 18 profitable
The next 2 promotional ideas are for bars amazing food specials and when restaurant and bar promotions for April,
and restaurants. On April 15 taxes are 2 or more come in, they get a 25% off you can download them by clicking the
due. So for a bar you can throw an Income bounce back tax credit on their next visit. banner below. If you have any questions
Tax Party. about marketing and promotions, feel free
Another idea for an income tax promotion to shoot me a message by clicking here,
Bring in some live entertainment or a DJ is to target accountants with an end of and we will see you on the next episode.
and run some kind of discount that plays tax season party offer.
along with getting money back for taxes. They work their asses
For every $20-$25 you spend you get $5 off around this time and WRITTEN BY: NICK FOSBERG
back towards your tab, something like that. they get excited when
tax season is almost over
Your offer could be a bounce back because they make a President Bar & Restaurant
offer that looks like a check from the bunch of money and then Success
government. So if they spend 25 or more things calm down. Give