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Restaurant Marketing Plan:
How Much Time Is Needed?
Your Restaurant Marketing everything else that is going on in the business distract them from
Plan Questions Answered! taking enough time to focus on their marketing efforts. But in all
honesty, most let this happen on purpose!
On last months coaching call I was asked by one of our members, “How Why? Because they feel they are no good at marketing due to the
much time should I be spending on my restaurant marketing plan?” results they get. They don’t know what marketing is really about.
And for some reason, they don’t know where to look to get better
That’s a great question! at marketing or if they do they are just too lazy about it because
marketing doesn’t excite them.
You spend as much time as you need to until you feel without a
doubt, you’ve put every ounce of effort of strategic thinking into Hate to be blunt but it’s true!
your plan, to get the best results!
I’m not saying this about you, because you know where to look.
You don’t just take 10 minutes and think “I want to increase Tuesday You’re reading this now! Congrats. This shows you’re not lazy
sales so I will promote my Tuesday specials in the newspaper and either and you’re willing to learn and grow. You’re ahead of most of
boosting posts on Facebook.” them!
The Road Map To
You’ll lose your money faster then a thief doing your books!
The truth is, there’s no rule for how much time you should take on Successful Marketing
your restaurant marketing plan. Campaigns
You Can’t Make This
Mistake… What I want to do is give you a road map to follow that allows you
to save time, but get the best results, when it comes to marketing
your business.
The one big mistake I see so many owners make is they let