Page 9 - finding+money
P. 9

Chapter 1: Why to use astrology for finding money

           in the dirty communes we must realize not to rebel against the world or our
           communities. On some level we feel like a victim of circumstances, always
           finding blame outside of ourselves for our financial woes. Victims have no
           power, and blame everyone and everything outside of themselves for their
           situation in life. In a sense this is rebelling against life because it isn’t fair.
           As a student at the University of Texas in Austin in the 1970’s I remember
           a small, hippy owned health food store where the hippies hung out, called
           “Good Eats”. It was in an old house with wooden floors that creaked as you
           walked. I loved the feel, smell and energy there. But not too long after that
           it expanded, and now it is the huge national company called “Whole Foods”.
           Finally, the hippies of the 60s realized money is not a bad thing. Finally, the
           hippy consciousness changed! The baby boomers awakened to reality.

           Another misunderstanding is the idea that if you have money you are not
           spiritual. In Christianity there are many sayings referenced in the bible that
           money is the root of all evil. This is misinterpreted, and in that meaning this
           confirms our beliefs that the rich are somehow bad. And if you have money
           you will not get into heaven. And of course if you believe this you will be poor.
           Suffering and living a life of renunciation is suppose to get you a ticket to
           heaven. This is actually a belief in many world cultures and religions. This
           is the belief particularly in India. For they believe suffering is essential to
           enlightenment. They believe we must deprive ourselves in many ways, with
           fasting, and an oath to poverty. All these beliefs were passed down by those
           in power because this was a way to control the masses and keep them where
           they are. But even that mentality of those in control was one of lack for they
           believed there is not enough wealth for everyone.
           It is believed that a life of suffering heals the karma, and Saints suffered be-
           cause they took on the karma of the people healing the world. Once we have
           gone through a life of suffering we will go to heaven. Heaven is believed to
           be a place where everything is perfectly beautiful, having everything we want
           at anytime, there is no suffering, sickness or death and we are with God and
           love abounds. So we are supposed to believe if we suffer enough we will be
           rewarded after we die. And all those materialistic wealthy people will get
           their just rewards, which is hell.
           This promotes the victim consciousness. All the saints of our time are depicted
           as suffering victims. They were either nailed to a cross or stoned to death. In
           no way were they allowed to have any nice things that this world can offer.
           It is no wonder this world is in such a mess with financial crises abounding
           with all these life deprecating philosophies. It is now time that we take back

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