Page 8 - finding+money
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Most of us believe to be happy means having a lot of money. You hear over
and over if only I had the money, my life would be perfect. If only I could
win the lottery all my problems would be gone. But for those who have the
money and have not gotten the awareness of what makes them happy and
complete, they are still in a place of unhappiness.
The Universe is full of abundance and prosperity, but we believe in lack and
limitation. We are taught that there is not enough of this prosperity to go
around. Once you begin to practice prosperity and truly believe it with every
cell of your body you will then resonate with a vibration of prosperity, cre-
ating prosperity in your life. Positive thinking teaches you to visualize these
things and say affirmations. This cannot work if in reality your beliefs are still
focused on your lack. Remember, your outside world is always a reflection
of your inside world. It is the evidence of beliefs, thoughts and experience. A
real indicator is to listen to what you say, you may be surprised. Do you say
often, I can’t afford something, if only I had the money to this or that, this
indicates your belief that you are limited and cannot have what you desire.
For the most part the habits that cause our unhappiness usually cause the
lack of money. These habits revolve around our sense of lack and self worth.
When you see others who have what you want there is generally a bit of envy.
In this regard many people become resentful of those who have everything
money can buy. This brings resentment. Then because we feel we cannot
have what others have we begin to cast blame on them, making them bad in
some way. We convince ourselves those with money are bad since we believe
we can’t have it. Convincing ourselves they must waste their money on friv-
olous things instead of helping the world. This is our projection onto those
who have wealth and this attitude is exactly what prevents us from having
wealth ourselves, because secretly we convince ourselves money is wrong.
The hippie movement concerned money issues in the 1960’s. Love and Peace
but living in dirty communes with no money. This was a rebellion against
the conservative and what money represented in that era. They hid behind
the illusion of love and peace as a front to not conform to society. Different
time frames in history are seen through the cycles of the planets indicating
the social, economic and emotional reactions of the masses during certain
generational periods. My point here is what is going on in a generational level
of the collective consciousness will be reflected on an individual conscious
level as well.
This rebellious attitude towards money and what it represents in our own
lives is what prevents us from attaining money. But like the hippies who lived