Page 11 - finding+money
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Chapter 1: Why to use astrology for finding money
growth and prosperity will follow. Our goal should be to find heaven on earth
not just the afterlife due to our suffering here.
The great Guru Paramahansa Yogananda said repeatedly we must balance
the material and spiritual worlds.
Balancing Your Spiritual and Material Life...
“The material and the spiritual are but two parts of one universe and
one truth. By overstressing one part or the other, man fails to achieve
the balance necessary for harmonious development.... Practice the
art of living in this world without losing your inner peace of mind.
Follow the path of balance to reach the inner wondrous garden of
Self-realization.” Paramahansa Yogananda
We are always looking to a time when we will get there. What if we realized
we are there! I believe if we come to a conscious realization that we can
have this heaven I just described on Earth. Once you realize this you will
be there! It is all about changing all our negative fear driven beliefs. If you
can surrender and understand you have been sabotaging yourself with your
feelings of resentment towards money or what money represents to you, you
will not be denying it from yourself.
Currently this world is going through an economic depression and I believe
our beliefs about money are the cause. Almost everyone on this planet has
issues with money. The fact that you do not have enough money is a sign
that you have money issues. Almost everything you hear on TV, the internet,
in conversation, is about money. You cannot escape it. You cannot deny it.
I have come to terms with my mom’s beliefs that “there is nothing else
that matters in this world but money”. From her perspective that is all I see
everywhere around me. But looking at this from the proper vantage point
involves what money represents because this in essence is what we all came
together to learn. Money for most represents power, control, happiness and
a life of luxury. They envision this as a bit of heaven.
I do know that my very wealthy clients have a vast array of other problems,
usually associated with the fact that they do have so much money. The
main problem I see with them is a lack of trust with others. Consequently,
they attract those who want their money. This appears as partners who
are drawn to them only because they have money, law suits for those who
want their money, creating a world of distrust and lack of love. So this
is not heaven on earth either. So my experience tells me money does not
make you happy.