Page 12 - finding+money
P. 12
But if you can realize what money is really a symbol for in your life you can
have all you need and also attract those who appreciate you, and not your
Money is actually an illusion, it is just paper and actually is a big game we
have devised and put into motion. It is in reality just energy and the trick,
not being attached to it. This does not mean your non attachment gives you
poverty. This simply means money is a good energy that gives the world a
sense of prosperity. Money is not to buy things to make you feel superior
to others or put you in a place of control of others. It is to empower others.
This will create a heaven on earth. And when we understand that to heal our
issues with money, which is a positive force and energy for good, we can
live a life full of happiness on all levels. This world is in extreme imbalance
with the ideas being projected on all levels about money. We came here to
learn who and what we really are and this involves our issues about money.
To be detached from the attachments of money we must view life as a big
game. We have to choose a career we like and enjoy the game. It is a game
because there are rules and it seems to be a competition as to who wins. It
involves achievement, with rules and if you don’t play by the rules you are
out. Astrology is like a game. It is a tool to give you the best advantage playing
the game of life. The next chapters give you the rules to play this game to win.