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Chapter 2
                               A Crash Course In Astrology

            “The stars in the heavens sing a music if only we had ears to hear.”
                               Mathematician, Pythagoras

           This chapter can be used for reference to all the terms used in this book to
           understand the basics of astrology. Initially, I wanted to write a mainstream
           book everyone could understand, but as I began I realized this needed to be
           a basic book including the techniques used with astrology. This basic foun-
           dation requires understanding, for astrology is complex. These rules will be
           discussed further throughout this book.
           The system used in this book is Vedic or Indian astrology. This is different
           from the more commonly used Western astrology. I use this system because
           I feel it is more precise. The major difference from Western astrology is
           that all the planets will be almost a full sign backwards in the zodiac. It is
           actually around 23-24 degrees backwards in the zodiacal signs, a full sign
           is 30 degrees.

           Vedic astrology uses the Sidereal system and Western astrology uses the
           Tropical system for calculation. The Sidereal system takes into account Pre-
           cession of the Equinoxes which is the backward movement of the stars or
           constellations (the signs). This is why the planets are in a different position
           in the zodiac.

           The way that astrology is used and defined is by a chart. The chart is a map
           outlined by time and space. A chart or horoscope is composed of these four
           measurements or features, the planets, signs, houses and aspects. These are
           the same as Western Astrology.

           A chart is set up with the birth or beginning of an event. This can be the birth
           of a person, business, marriage, first trade on the stock market, or even an
           idea. The chart is set by the day, year, place and time of its inception into this
           world. Everything has a birth or beginning and an end. The chart can give the
           events and times that things occur throughout the life of the person or event.

           The time of birth sets up the entire chart by the sign that is rising on the
           Eastern horizon. With the time of birth, place, day and year, the sign and

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