Page 10 - finding+money
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           our power realizing this is a world of beauty and prosperity for everyone. It
           is time to awaken!

           Our attitudes concerning money reveal so much about ourselves on a spir-
           itual level. If we can truly understand our issues with money then we will
           understand our true spiritual growth.
           My mother was a very successful real estate agent, and over the years acquired
           a little dynasty of rental property. I used to call it “her kingdom” because she
           used to love to visit her properties all the time. She always had problems with
           her tenants, and the perpetual up keep, pouring money into her properties and
           the struggles with handy men constantly ripping her off made me not want
           anything to do with this sort of business. She was in a continual whirlwind
           of fixing things that were broken. She became so obsessed with the money
           and problems that she was consumed with losing anything she worked so
           hard to gain. My mother was truly obsessed with money. She often told me it
           was the only thing that really mattered in this world. Her obsession became
           so overwhelming I began to resent anything to do with money. She basically
           controlled everything I did with the giving or taking away of money. Money
           felt bad to me and represented suffering.

           Everyone who has financial problems has some resentment toward money
           that is associated with the past. My question is, “Just how spiritual is it to be
           resentful?” Money issues are tied into our spirituality. It is one thing to under-
           stand, the why and what we are resentful about. It is the power of forgiveness
           that will release this resentfulness and our self-righteousness concerning these
           deep emotional issues we hang on to. In hanging on to these resentments
           we keep ourselves locked into the pattern of lack of prosperity on all levels.
           When you feel resentments of any kind, situations will emerge that validate
           these negative feelings. My mother has been gone for almost five years and
           since then I have attracted similar people who continue these same issues.
           The feeling that others are controlling us and keeping us in a rut due to fi-
           nancial difficulties is self created. Financial difficulties are the result of our
           resentments, and lack of self-esteem. This is also why the world is at odds
           with the financial predicament globally now. We have the opportunity to
           change our world with this conscious awareness working through our own
           individual lives and consequently this will shift the awareness globally. Our
           money issues are our spiritual issues and the tool to understand our spiritual
           growth. This explains why planet Jupiter ruler of money also rules spirituality.
           Resentment and negative beliefs about money can manifest in many ways.
           Great lessons can be learned by addressing your own money issues. Spiritual

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