Page 7 - finding+money
P. 7

Chapter 1
                         Why to use astrology for finding money

                      “I have studied the matter. You sir, have not”.
                               Sir Isaac Newton - Physicist
                 (Said in defense of astrology, to skeptic Edmund Halley)

           Astrology is the oldest science in the world. Most would exclaim it is not
           a science but let’s face it, it is a study of cycles involving mathematics, in
           which numbers and vibration are the crux of the Universe. Throughout his-
           tory, ignorance has kept us from the truth and those who tried to present the
           truth were imprisoned and even killed. Galileo was condemned for saying
           the earth was round and it revolved around the Sun, instead of the Sun re-
           volving around us.

           This law of the Universe is so simple but at the same time so hard to change
           in our everyday life. The law of attraction or law of cause and effect simply
           means, what we think about and say we will attract to us. But the deeper
           aspect of this is about what we believe. Our belief system is based on our
           life experience and most everything we have experienced up until this time
           in our life. Most of our belief systems are formed at an early age from our
           upbringing and our natural tendencies. Our reactions to our environment are
           based on all the conditioning of our lives, that involves, our culture, areas
           we live in, family, and with people we associate. Our culture involves our
           religion, the laws imposed on us, such as political, societal rituals such as
           religious holidays. Areas we live in will be composed of a life style, neigh-
           bors, schools, climate, and national holidays. Traditions and behaviors of
           our families, how our parents raised us and our interaction with siblings,
           birth order and our education have a huge influence in forming our beliefs.

           As we grow, we begin to associate with those who we resonate with the
           best. This means we attract into our lives the individuals that have the same
           interest and likes. Understanding all of this you begin to realize our belief
           systems are formed at an early age. The real question is, can it be changed?
           I believe with a conscious effect, “yes” it can. But it first requires a desire to
           change, and secondly hard work to understand and see clearly how you are
           reacting in a way that blocks your ultimate desire. This desire for everyone
           is to be happy.

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