Page 14 - finding+money
P. 14
specific degree in this sign is calculated to set the beginning of the chart.
The beginning point of a chart is the exact degree of the sign that is rising
on the Eastern horizon of our Earth. Once this degree and sign are set for the
rising it is called the Ascendant which is the start of the 1 house. The signs
will follow in the consecutive natural order around the zodiac. The natural
zodiac follows in this order: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo,
Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. There is a sign
for each house of the chart and the rising sign is what determines what sign
will be on each house. If the rising sign is Sagittarius the 1 house begins
with Sagittarius, then Capricorn on the 2 house, Aquarius on the 3 house
continuing through all the 12 signs in their usual consecutive natural order.
There are 12 signs assigned to the 12 houses.
The planets are the points of reference in a chart. Once the Ascendant is cal-
culated the planets are placed in each house according to their signs. There
are 12 signs, 12 houses and 12 planets. The 12 planets used are the 9 planets
used in Vedic astrology; Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Rahu and Ketu, and the 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
The next part of the analysis comes with the aspects. The aspects are the de-
grees between the planets. Certain ranges of degrees are meaningful. There
are 360 degrees in the entire zodiac. Each sign and house is 30 degrees. The
12 houses/signs each are 30 degrees, 12 x 30 =360 degree circle of the zodiac.
The basic aspects used in this book are 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 degrees. This
means the planets spaced close to these degrees of separation to each other,
form an aspect. Aspects connect the planets in specific ways. Some are ben-
eficial and some challenging. The planets (based on their meanings) actually
send the energy for positive or negative results. There are benefic planets and
malefic planets. The way I advocate to read aspects is simply the distance of the
number of signs from each other. For example, if two planets form the aspect
of 150 degrees from each other, then it will be 6 signs counting from the 1
planet to the 2 planet, and 8 signs counting back around to the first planet,
always counting forward clockwise. The aspects do have names with Western
astrology but they may also be called by the number of houses/signs they are
apart from one another. The 150 degree aspect is called a quincunx or a 6/8
relationship. The more you work with this the more it will make simple sense.
It is essential to know what planets rule each sign. The system used in Vedic
astrology is composed of the old rulerships. This means beside the Sun and
Moon the planets each rule 2 signs. The outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and
Pluto do not rule signs. They denote generational trends according to their
sign they occupy.