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         That makes sense. We’re going to wrap up, Mike, but I think the big
         question on everybody’s mind, and same with me, is how do you get
         started working on your culture? All of this sounds great and positive
         and beneficial, but how the hell do you get started?

         Yeah. If you look at it, there are so many things. I’ve got to do a
         mission and a vision and values, and I’ve got to measure myself
         as a manager. Where I start when I work with clients or lead a
         workshop or advise folks from the stage, is I always say to start with
         the business issue. What’s something that’s hurting right now? Is
         customer service hurting? Is communication hurting? Are the teams
         not talking? Is innovation hurting? Are you struggling to come up
         with new menu items or new drinks for the bar? Start with the
         business issue and say, “This is the business issue we want to solve.”
         And then start to get really clear about how you can get everybody
         involved and working together toward that.

         Then as you work together toward that as a leader, be really specific
         about the way people are allowed to contribute. Be really specific about
         the way that’s going to go be communicated out to guests and to the
         community. Because a lot of times, we start working on culture and it’s
         like we’re going to stick a mission on the wall or we’re going to write
         some visions in a handbook, or we’re going to get everyone in a meeting   Mike:
         and say, “We have to care about culture. Let’s all care more.” But how   Sure. I’m super easy to find. The easiest way to find me and start
         you show it as a leader is you start to change the culture. In the next   talking with me is to go to, like I’m going to give you some
         shift meeting you have, change the climate a little bit. Get everyone   tips. And from there, you can sign up and I’ll send you a quick little
         together, talk about what’s going                                                                     guide on getting started with some
         on, and talk about your vision for                                                                    training. And then I’ll email you right
         what this shift or this weekend looks         “I think culture changing is                            away and just say, “Hey, what’s
         like. Describe what the customer’s            a big job, and getting people                           going on?” and we can connect that
         experience is going to be. Describe           to change is a big job. But                             way. Otherwise, I’m Mike Ganino
         how you’re going to work tougher.                                                                     pretty much everyone online, so
                                                       shifting the climate on every                           you can find me easily. But if you
         I think culture changing is a big job,        single shift, with every single                         go to, we can keep the
         and getting people to change is a                                                                     conversation going.
         big job. But shifting the climate on          interaction, that’s something
         every single shift, with every single         that every leader in every                              Nick:
         interaction, that’s something that            role... can start to shift the                          Awesome. I appreciate it Mike. Thank
         every leader in every role – even                                                                     you.
         if you’re a bar manager and not in            culture simply by making
         charge of the whole place – can               little decisions about the                              Mike:
         start to shift the culture simply by          climate every single day.”                              Thank you so much. It’s been great.
         making little decisions about the
         climate every single day.
                                                                                                           INTERVIEW WITH: MIKE GANINO
         Awesome. Well Mike, I really appreciate you being on the interview                                Keynote speaker, trainer, and
         today. And if anybody wants to get in touch with you about making                                 consultant in the hospitality,
         their culture great, making it better, is there a website or email? What                          restaurant and retail industries  
         information can we give out for people to get in contact with you?

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