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I’m a firm believer in the more you give, Tell them, as an incentive for helping, “You the banner below to get access right
the more you’ll receive. Everywhere you bring in x teachers, and we’re going to throw now.
and I go to shop or eat, we don’t get you a $20 dollar gift card for your help!” Let
much back do we. But think if you did an them do the marketing for you. Get them Don’t forget, if you feel marketing and
event like this, just to say thanks for your to come in and bring their friends in and promotions is a weak point for you or
business. What do you think your loyal have a good time. you just can’t find the time to focus on
customers will think of you? What do you them, then you should at least peak into
think they will tell other people? In the I always do prizes for the first 25 teachers our monthly Bar Restaurant Success Elite
long run, even though you don’t make in the door and we do school supplies program.
a big profit on this night, you will over as the prizes and of course we throw in
time. Always think, lifetime value gift cards as well, but to theme this out, This is where I deliver done for you
of a customer rather than a one-time school supplies fits. Maybe this year we promotions with all the marketing
sale. will do wooden paddles!! materials and marketing strategies I
personally use in my own bars and clients
You could just run a discount special for bars / restaurants.
KENTUCKY DERBY 2 ND all teachers who come in on this day as
well. Give them 20% off on their tab or But what’s even better than that, you’ve
Throw the ultimate Kentucky Derby party free appetizers when they buy a meal or got me by your side to help you get things
with food and drink specials. Make it fun something like that. implemented and I’m there to answer any
by giving away prizes. I believe there are and all your questions. The truth is you
20 horses in the main race, so you could NO DIRTY DISHES DAY 18 TH have to have a team that does multiple
give a ticket to the first 20 in the door, tasks to keep business booming and
write the horses name one the ticket, and This is the perfect type of promotion to customer happy. Do you have someone
whoever are the top 3 finishers, those do with an email or a letter to your own on your marketing and promotions team?
people get a prize. customer list, saying, “Hey, it’s No Dirty Are they giving you everything you want
Dishes, and nobody should have to eat at out of what they are doing?
To theme this out, create some drink home. You’re probably tired of eating frozen
specials named after the top 3-5 favorite dinners. That’s why you should come in for If not, try a risk-free trial of Bar Restaurant
horses that are picked to win. You could this special. Let us take care of you. You Success elite and let me help you or your
have a contest for the ladies for the best don’t want to be doing your dishes on No marketing and promotions department
Kentucky Derby outfit! Dirty Dishes Day.” grow your business and give you the
ultimate advantage over your competition.
NATIONAL TEACHERS’ This is just something kind of fun, unique, Click here for a $1 trial for 7 days. After 7
DAY 5 TH and different. And again, things like this days it jumps to $97 per month. If within
work. You’d be surprised. As long as these 7 days you feel you’re not getting at
You could throw a party for teachers! Get you have a good email list and you have least a $1,000 value from my support and
in touch with the school district or find people who are always opening your materials, I advise you cancel, but I’m 99%
teachers who’d want to help with getting emails and you have good consistent sure you won’t want to.
the word out and throwing the event. If communication with them,
you know any teachers, say, “Hey, how these types of things work
would you like to have a big teachers like crazy. WRITTEN BY: NICK FOSBERG
bash? It’s National Teachers Day on the 5
and we thought it would be fun to do.” I’m If you’d like to get the 23 President Bar & Restaurant
sure you’ll get some who’d want to help. I other restaurant and bar Success
have each year. promotions for May, click on