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Expert Interview with

                 MIKE GANINO
                      How To Create A Magnetic Culture

                      That Builds Your Brand, Drives Your

          Business, & Makes Your Team Outstanding

         Nick:                                                                  brand? For our readers, I’m always about marketing and promotions,
         For today’s interview, we have Mike Ganino with us, and we’re going    and that’s my thing. But I wanted to get you on the line and do this
         to talk about how to create a magnetic culture that builds your brand,   interview with you because culture and your staff, all of that is very
         drives your business, and makes your team better. Mike, are you on the   important to building your business. I thought you were the best person
         line? How are you doing today?                                         to go to for that. So why is culture so important to our brand?

         Mike:                                                                  Mike:
         I’m great. I’m actually working on some book stuff, so this is a great   We spend so much time thinking about the brand or the work that
         little break from that.                                                you do with folks to get butts in seats and get people to the bar or
                                                                                restaurant. But if what happens to them there isn’t positive, if what
         Nick:                                                                  happens to them there doesn’t match what you promised – whether
         Awesome. Have you got a new book coming out?                           you’re doing social media or press or whatever it is – then it really
                                                                                doesn’t matter how much work you spent on a website or designing
         Mike:                                                                  a logo or reaching out to them with social or with paid media.
         Yeah, I’m working on a book called Culture Kitchen: Recipes for
         Building a Great Brand, pretty much around all the stuff we’ve been    So you’ve really got to nail what happens in your location. And
         talking about.                                                         I think we can all agree from being in the industry on every side
                                                                                that it doesn’t happen because there’s a memo or a tersely worded
         Nick:                                                                  letter about how we need to be nice to customers and give better
         Cool. Why don’t we start out with: why is culture so important to our   service. It happens because of the culture in that restaurant or in

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