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20 Restaurant Promotions For April
Today i’m going to bring you 20 restaurant promotions to
attract new customers, increase sales, build your reputation
within the community, and get existing customers back in
the door more often.
SOFTBALL PROFITS & I love when they tell me “We’re going one night where you’re giving away
HOW TO STRUCTURE to put your logo on the front of our softball gear. Baseball bat, gloves,
SPONSORSHIPS LIKE shirts!” I don’t give a shit about my logo softballs, hat’s, jerseys. Get one of your
TRUMP WOULD being on a shirt because I have no clue if liquor or beer reps to help out with the
anyone’s eye balls made me a profit from cost and put their product on special.
ate March and early April I start the sponsorship. However I will know
L getting e-mail after e-mail, if I make a profit or not from the team Through this promotion, tell everyone
Facebook message after coming in. If you invest money into your what you do for your sponsorship and
Facebook message, about sponsoring business, make sure it’s trackable and WHY they should choose you over
softball teams. Sponsoring these teams measurable. If not, don’t do it! anyone else.
can be very profitable, only if the teams
actually come in and spend money. SOFTBALL BIG MONEY DON’T SET YOURSELF UP
I’ve been burned in the past and now I
make sure I’m upfront and clear what I Now that I’m done with my little rant, If you structure your sponsorships right,
expect from them. They don’t get the let’s talk how any bar or restaurant can you won’t lose a penny and you’ll have
whole sponsorship till I see they prove make a good profit from softball season. 5-10 teams playing ball for you. Coming
to me they will be in before or after If you want to attract softball players to in week after week. This is one thing I
games. your bar / restaurant, run a promotion really focus on in my area being in the