Page 19 - finding+money
P. 19

Chapter 2: A Crash Course In Astrology

               •  When Rahu or Ketu aspect Jupiter, then Jupiter will mutually aspect
                them with a trine. This in another powerful indication of extremes and
                multiplies a person’s wealth.
           The aspects are connectors of the planets and determine the results they will
           produce in an individual’s life.
           *A powerful rule in Vedic astrology is that the planets aspect the houses
           even though there may not be a planet there. When a planet aspects a house
           that it rules, it will empower the house for what that house is good for. For
           example, Mars aspects the 2  house by opposition or its full aspect of 4 or
           8, the house has no planets, but is ruled by either Aries or Scorpio, it will
           empower that house. The 2  house will then be empowered by Mars. This
           will give the good effects of what the house rules in life. The 2  house rules
           money, so it will be extra powerful to produce money in the person’s life.
           This holds true even if the planet is a malefic such as Sun, Mars, or Saturn.


           Vedic astrology uses the 27 nakshatras. They are used like the signs. They are
           13 degrees and 20 minutes divisions of the zodiac. The signs are 30 degree
           portions. They are very specific and are actually the bases of Vedic astrolo-
           gy, because the entire predictive system, called the Dashas, is based on the
           placement of the Moon’s nakshatra. They determine the entire life cycle in
           a person’s life. Used here, there are very specific nakshatras that pertain to
           wealth and money. The fixed stars in these portions of the sky give qualities
           of the powerful influences the nakshatras can exert on to a chart or individual.
           Certain nakshatras will be referenced throughout this book.


           Once a chart has been calculated it is a map of where the planets are in a
           certain time and place. The moving planets in the sky are called the transiting
           planets. To chart the future trends in a person’s life or of any event involves
           the transiting planets. The transiting planets are placed against the planets in
           a birth chart (natal) to make predictions for the future. To know where and
           when a transiting planet will move through a particular house in a birth chart
           will indicate the events and experiences the individual will experience. The
           signs they are transiting will determine the strength or weakness in effects.
           The aspects of the transiting planets to the birth planets in a chart will be
           the timing of events in a person’s life. Or, if the chart is of a business it can

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