Page 15 - Halloween 3
P. 15

Q: What does a mother monster say to her kids at dinnertime?

               A: Do not talk with someone in your mouth!

               Q: What is a witch’s favorite TV show?

               A: Lifestyles of the Witch and Famous!

               Q: What did the mother ghost say to the naughty baby ghost?

               A: Only spook when your spooken to!

               Q: Why are vampire families so close?

               A: Because blood is thicker than water!

               Q: What is Dracula’s favorite fruit?
               A: Neck-tarines!

               Q: What did the werewolf write at the bottom of his letters?

               A: Best vicious!

               Q: Did you hear about the vampire who got married?

               A: He proposed to his goulfriend!

               Q: Why was the student witch so bad at essays?

               A: Because she could not spell properly!

               Q: What did one of Frankenstein’s ears say to the other?

               A: I had no clue we lived on the same block!

               Q: What do they have for lunch at Monster School?

               A: Human beans, boiled legs, and eyes-cream!

               Q: Where does the bride of Frankenstein have her hair done?
               A: At an ugly parlor!

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