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operational efficiency and require a lot of time and attention to
                                                                                get new hires up to speed.

                                                                                How to calculate employee turnover rate:

                                                                                Start by adding the total number of employees at the beginning
                                                                                and end of a given period of time. Then, divide the sum by 2 to
                                                                                find the average number of employees during the set period.
                                                                                Take the difference between the number of employees at the
                                                                                beginning and end of the set time frame and divide the number
                                                                                of employees who left by the average number of employees.

                                                                                The equation for employee turnover rate is:

                                                                                (Starting Number of Employees + Ending Number of Employees)
                                                                                              / 2 = Average Number of Employees

                                                                                       Lost Employees / Average Number of Employees =
                                                                                                       Employee Turnover

                              4) GROSS PROFIT                                   If you have 10 employees at the beginning of a given month and
                                                                                8 at the end the equation would look as follows:

         Gross profit shows the profit a restaurant makes after accounting      (10 + 8) / 2 = 9
         for its cost of goods sold. The resulting gross profit represents
         the money available to put towards paying off fixed expenses and       2 / 9 = .222
         profit. To calculate gross profit, subtract the total cost of goods
         sold during a specific time period from your total revenue (the        To calculate turnover rate, simply multiply the quotient (.222)
         total sales of food, beverages, and merchandise).                      by 100 to get the turnover percentage. So, in this example, the
                                                                                turnover rate is .222 * 100 or 22.2%.
         Calculating Gross Profit
                                                                                In order to gain true business insight and value from these
         If a restaurant’s total sales number for the month is $15,107 and      metrics, restaurant owners should get in the habit of calculating
         its cost of goods sold is $5,293, the restaurant’s gross profit for    and recording them regularly, on a weekly or monthly basis.
         the month is equal to $15,107 (total sales) - $5,293 (COGS) or         Over time, this allows restaurant owners to compare their
         $9,814.                                                                establishment’s current performance to historical data in order to
                                                                                identify problem areas and trends.
         The equation for gross profit is:
                                                                                  Originally featured on the Toast Restaurant Management Blog.
                                                                                  Click here to subscribe and join thousands of other restaurateurs
                         Total Sales - COGS = Gross Profit
                                                                                  for more restaurant management tips!

                    5) EMPLOYEE TURNOVER RATE

                                                                                                             WRITTEN BY: SAMUEL KUSINITZ
         Turnover rate is the percentage of employees that leave or are
         fired that need to be replaced during a specific time period.                             
         Therestaurant industry has a notoriously high employee turnover                                     author/sam-kusinitz
         rate compared to all other industry segments. In the fast-paced                                     Product marketer at Toast    
         foodservice environment, high employee turnover can hurt

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