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3 Ways Your Fears Can Take Your Bar

                Restaurant Business To The Next Level

                 he truth is fear runs in our lives every week, if not        coach and becoming a student of marketing and business
           T     every day. Fear of spending money on advertising             growth strategies. I learned new approaches. I focused

                 and not knowing the outcome. Fear of a new                   on one thing and one thing only and that was to learn
         competitor opening within a few miles of you. Fear of staff          everything I could about how to attract and retain customers.
         and management not giving your customers the best                    Having the drive and motivation to do this to escape
         experience. I can go on and on.                                      humiliation changed my life, and I doubled my business in
                                                                              just 8 months’ time.
         If we keep letting this fear in our lives, it can keep us at a
         standstill. Going nowhere.                                           After my success, I started studying personal development.
                                                                              And what I found interesting is that some of the most
         However, there are ways that fear can help us break through          successful business people actually leverage fear to push
         our frustrations and get what we                                                                      them forward, which is what
         truly desire in life and in business.                                                                 happened to me. I just didn’t
         What I mean by that is fear can                                                                       know I was doing that at that
         actually be our biggest motivator             “In your mind if you have                               time.
         in life.
                                                       no choice but to succeed, you                           Today, I want to give you 3

         In your mind if you have no choice            will because nothing else                               tips on how to use fear to
         but to succeed, you will because              matters.”                                               make more money, work less
         nothing else matters. Eight months                                                                    often, and reach your goals
         after of me owning my own bar, I                                                                      much faster, no matter how
         was paying the bar’s bills out of my                                                                  successful you are.
         own pocket. If I kept doing that, I’d go broke. I thought about
         my family and my pride and what people would think of me if          Number one, discover the excuses. It’s very easy for us to
         I lost my business.                                                  say we will never reach a certain level of success because we
                                                                              make excuses. Maybe it’s not enough time, it’s the economy,
         This fear of failing left me with no choice but to figure out a      it’s the competition. Then, what happens is we hide behind
         way to succeed and I did that by reaching out to a marketing         those excuses because we want to feel comfortable. But

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