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and a unique offer code. We also include a 7-day expiration          When we did the targeting we selected people who did NOT
         date to get them in the door fast! That’s important!                 like our business page and we also said don’t target anyone
                                                                              who we have e-mails for already. So these were all new
         When they come in to redeem that offer, the staff or                 customers that we targeted.
         manager enters that code into their phone or tablet. Then
         24 hours later, a very personal e-mail from the owner is sent        I always use these stats, but Jon Taffer wrote in his book,
         asking them about their visit, what they can do better next          Raise The Bar, that it cost on average $60-$70 to get a new
         time, and thanking them for their business.                          customer in the door using traditional media. And he’s 100%
                                                                              spot on with those figures. So I’ll take $7.73 all day.
         This personal touch really makes the brand and owner
         stand out from the rest of the market because very few                FOLLOW UP IS THE SECRET TO SUCCESS
         owners put personalized systems like this into place. This
         type of system is game changing and the best part is, it’s all       What’s important to remember though is that we all live
         automated and it builds trust with your customers.                   VERY busy lives. We forget about things. We’re human!
                                                                              Which means, a good percentage of people won’t make it
         WHAT KIND OF RETURN CAN I GET                                        in with the offer. That’s normal as you know. However, we
         FROM LEAD ADS?                                                       now have their contact information! So we can target them
                                                                              again with other offers and promotions for many months
         Here’s some stats from a                                                                        on end, which will increase the
         $150 ad campaign we did                                                                         chances of them walking in at
         for the first time. These               “So if you do the math, so far                          another time.
         were based on the ads you               it’s cost us $7.73 to get them
         saw above.                                                                                      That’s the difference the really
                                                 in the door for a 1/2 price                             successful owners have over

         You’ll see that this only               meal. Not to mention, we                                others. They have systems in
         shows $139.20 spent so                  targeted NEW customers.”                                place for attracting and retaining
         far and that it cost us on                                                                      customers to maximize the ROI on
         average $2.17 per lead                                                                          their marketing dollars.
         which is really good. Think
         of the last time you spent $500 on advertising. How many
         customers came in and what did they spend?
                                                                                                             WRITTEN BY: NICK FOSBERG
         Out of the 64 contacts who’ve signed up, we’ve seen 18 come                               
         in with their offer so far. There’s still more time on the expiration,
         so we are expecting a few more to trickle in. So if you do the                                      President Bar & Restaurant   
         math, so far it’s cost us $7.73 to get them in the door for a 1/2                                   Success
         price meal. Not to mention, we targeted NEW customers.

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