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Facebook’s Newest Weapon For Attracting
New Customers For Bars & Restaurants
acebook is by the far the most profitable marketing With that said, these people are more profitable to market to
F platform for attracting and retaining customers. They for future promotions than anyone else. There’s no denying
continue to keep creating new ways to help business that.
owners crank up the ROI on their marketing dollars. What I
have to share with you today is groundbreaking for bar and 2. You can cut your marketing costs in half by e-mailing,
restaurant owners and can’t be texting, sending direct mail,
ignored! and remarketing with banner
ads on google, to your
Before I get into that, I want to “If you have just 500 to 1,000 customer list, rather than
cover the importance of capturing people on your customer marketing to the masses and
“Leads.” Capturing people’s list, you can easily get a 10% paying a fortune.
personal contact information.
It’s critical to your success in the response with just e-mail If you have just 500 to 1,000
bar and restaurant business for alone.” people on your customer
several reasons. list, you can easily get a 10%
response with just e-mail
1. Anyone who hands over their personal contact alone. (That’s if you have the right offers and messaging in
information to you, in exchange for an offer to DO place, not just promoting prices.)
business with you, is telling you they WANT to do
business with you. Right? Or they wouldn’t give you that 3. You can take those e-mail addresses and phone numbers
information, would they? and upload those to Facebook as a custom audience