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these excuses are the key factor for not getting to where you
         really want to be because ultimately, there’s always a solution or
         a different approach to achieve what we want. So the next time
         you give yourself an excuse, say to yourself, “Bullshit! There’s a
         way!” which leads me to number two.

         Number two is adopt a growth mindset. Bar and restaurant
         owners often give up on their goals because they feel those goals
         are beyond their limits. But the most successful operators adopt
         a growth mindset and know that anything is achievable.

         If they can’t reach the goal they’re after, they seek help. They
         look for the answer. They read books, they educate themselves,
         or they reach out to a coach or mentor. They don’t stop until they
         get what they want. They have that hunger and drive that gets
         them anything they want.

         Number three is understand that failure is a guarantee. You will
         fail at something within the next 30 days. I will fail at something
         within the next 30 days. That’s business. That’s life. Any
         successful person will tell you that. So, don’t think that you’re the
         only one because you’re not.
                                                                                This masterclass was the presentation I gave out at the
         What’s important about failing is that it offers valuable insights     Nightclub and Bar show this year and it reveals how successful
         because you learn what works and what doesn’t work. There’s no         owners are generating $10,000 in sales or more with zero
         teacher that’s as valuable to us as failure!                           marketing expenses in 30 days or less and how to out-beat your
         With that said, if you use these failing experiences as life lessons
         and adjust your strategy the next time around, you’ll have the         Here’s what’s really important, though. This masterclass was
         advantage that nobody else does! And, if you’re looking for            designed around all my failures in marketing and growing my bar
         an advantage right now, if you’re looking to start adopting a          restaurant business. Luckily, I had adopted a growth mindset and
         growth mindset that will allow you to feel that you can conquer        reached out for help from a business coach who helped me reach
         and achieve anything, then I want to invite you to my online           the goals I was after.
         masterclass that will do just that.
                                                                                What this means is, right now, you don’t have to go through
                                                                                the trial and error I did because on this masterclass, you’ll get
                                                                                the proven blueprint to creating some of your most profitable
                                                                                promotions. You’ll see proof and real life examples of the
                                                                                offers my clients used to generate tens of thousands of dollars
                                                                                in sales and hundreds of new customers with NO marketing

                                                                                Click on the banner below and sign up for one of the dates
                                                                                available and hopefully we’ll be chatting in the next class.

                                                                                                             WRITTEN BY: NICK FOSBERG


                                                                                                             President Bar & Restaurant
                                                                                                             Success                      

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