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where you can then run ads ONLY
            to your customer list on Facebook.
            This brings a massive ROI because
            now you’re only marketing to
            people who’ve personally said they
            want to do business with you.

         I could give you several more reasons
         but I think you get the point. The most
         profitable people to market to on the
         planet are people who personally give
         you their information in exchange to
         do business with you over marketing
         to people who’ve never heard of you
         or done business with you.

             FACEBOOK’S NEWEST
                SECRET WEAPON

         One of the biggest problems we all
         face when trying to collect e-mail            Good news. Facebook has made it               Facebook gives you the option to get
         addresses is getting the correct e-mail       even easier for us. A bullet proof way        a lot more information as well. You
         address from customers. Some people           to capture information on auto pilot          can get gender, age, phone number,
         give fake information, which is why           without getting fake information.             occupation, and so much more!
         you should always make sure you
         do a double opt in on line. Meaning           Facebook has just recently launched           Keep in mind though, the amount of
         after they give the e-mail, they have         “Lead Ads.” This is where you can             people who want to give you more
         to go to their e-mail and click a link in     target your perfect audience with an          detailed information about themselves
         that first e-mail to confirm you have         offer and when they click to receive, a       is limited. So keep it to just 2-3 pieces
         the right e-mail. Then after that, you        second screen pops up with their first        of information.
         deliver the goods.                            name, last name, and e-mail address
                                                       in a form. All they have to do is click       If you want to get more, then run a
                                                       submit and boom, that information is          2nd campaign to these leads after
                                                       then sent to you.                             you’ve built trust and relationship with
                                                                                                     them. That way they will be more than
                                                       Let’s walk through how this would             willing to give you that information.
                                                                                                            HOW I USE THIS
                                                       Here are two different ads. One               STRATEGY IN MY CLIENTS
                                                       targets males and the other targets           BARS & RESTAURANTS TO
                                                       females. Notice the images, the                BOOST SALES & PROFITS
                                                       headlines, and copy. Remember,
                                                       there’s no one size fits all offer. If you    - AND HOW YOU SHOULD
                                                       want to get the best results, you have                        TOO
                                                       to target specific groups with the right
                                                       offers and right messaging.                   When people sign up to a lead ad,
                                                                                                     we have built a custom feature to
                                                       Then, after they click “download”             add that customer to our marketing
                                                       or “sign up”, (you can choose from            automation system automatically (To
                                                       various options) they are taken to a          get the leads otherwise, you have to
                                                       2nd screen similar to this where all          download from Facebook and upload
                                                       their Facebook information is auto            to your system yourself). As they are
                                                       populated and easy for them to just           added automatically, we send them
                                                       click submit.                                 an e-mail or text (depending on the
                                                                                                     strategy we are using) with their offer

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